
When you dream about someone... [Please answer. :)]?

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Say you're dreaming about someone. Your subconscious controls their actions. Does your mind analyze the person's personality and apply it to actions in the dream to create something they'd do in real life? Or does the person just do things you would want them to do? I hope this makes sense. If not I'll try to explain it more.




  1. I would say it more or less makes them do what you would want them to do. I've had dreams about people i've never even met before! So since I know nothing about their personality, or if they even really existed, then I would assume everything they did was what my subconscious wanted and not based on their personality.

  2. good question..

  3. No, it makes sense. I'd say it's determined equally.

  4. There isn't a certain answer especially to analyze and interpret dreams. In your case, although you really know that person, the dream that you have about their actions may not be their real actions in life, because we are the one that create and manipulate our dreams. In other words, their actions in your dream maybe the actions that you want them to do.

  5. well, i think it's a combination of both. if u know the person super well, then u would probably understand them well enough 2 be able 2 analyze their personalties and thus determine how they would act in certain situations. but of course we also sometimes wish someone will act a certain way so our subconscious uses that in a dream. dreams are always based on reality somehow but never actually are reality. dreams aren't that big a deal, folks, let;s get over them!

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