
When you drink...?

by Guest57880  |  earlier

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Do you get crazy a** dreams? Thats one of the main reasons i drink! Because i get some of the coolest/ weirdest most interestingly fun dreams EVER!!!!!!! If you do get them, tell me one of them!




  1. Ya...I just had a dream the other night about having to take someone to the ER for 7 stitches in their head because they had cracked it off the toilet from praying to the porcelain god all night.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. Not so much w/ beer If I stick to bourbon and cokes then I'll have some pretty trippy dreams. very lucid ones also. I had a pretty kick *** one this weekend where I was Joker's right hand man and we took down Batman lol. It's pretty lame but it was fun as h**l until I woke up.

  3. When i drink there's never a moment that i don't dream that i am trying to drink gallons of water, but i can't seem to be able to get rid of my thirst, it's really frustrating cause i know iam dreaming but i still want water, i know it's because my body is dehydrated from drinking that night....

  4. Their not dreams.  I got pictures!
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