
When you eat a jaw-breaker, why doens’t your jaw break?

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When you eat a jaw-breaker, why doens’t your jaw break?




  1. I can send you one which will break your jaw, it contains lead.

    Also just act "cuddin brudda" and I am sure Afghanistan dudes will help you meet Allah,

  2. Read the small print.

    "Will only break jaw if fired at your face from a small cannon".

  3. Simple: because its not made to break your jaw! ;p

  4. beacuse u didnt bite it  

  5. because its a warning for idiots that try to chew on it

  6. I supposed it depends if you bite the jaw breaker or l**k it :-)

  7. how do you know it doesnt break...???

  8. I can break your jaw with a stunner:

  9. I don't want muscless so I don't eat them!

  10. No, ure breaking the jaw-breaker with ure jaw, get it?

  11. no

    l**k it,dnt try to break it..

    lol that sounds dirty LMHO

  12. Reverse psychology! :P lol...

  13. ur not biting hard enough on it.....keep biting lol

  14. heheh...Unles you try biting it,it probably will! But you l**k it init i thinkk...well i do!


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