
When you eat your lunch, dinner?

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And you drop a pea on the carpet, why are thay so hard to find?




  1. LOL!!!  wow...  I don't eat peas so I don't drop them.  However, I would say becasue they are so tiny

  2. Eat your dinner away form the carpet

  3. Often rolls under the couch!

  4. It's do to the time it takes you're brain to react to the falling pea. Once you finally realized you've dropped it, it has already hit the floor. Why? Because peas are fast mother Fu**ers thats why.

       Now what makes it hard to find sometimes is because that it bounces. Whether off your knee or shoe/foot its going to go somewhere random and since your eye didn't catch the pea initially your brain doesn't know where to start looking.

  5. How to avoid losing a pea somewhere on the carpet in the dining room.

    Mix the peas with the mashed potatos.  This stops the peas running away and getting lost.  It also makes it much easier to scoop them up and shovel into mouth etc.

    If no mashed potato, simply mash the peas using the back of a fork then scrape up on a spoon - shovel etc...

    My dad claimed that table manners were invented by Victorian ladies with 20 inch middles who ate nothing at all, but who raised and lowered knives, forks and spoons to their mouths and back to the plate silently.

  6. They're trying to get back to the mother ship!

  7. lol

  8. It might be something to do with space and time, I think this is one those questions that only Stephen Hawking could answer.

  9. i try never to drop food on the carpet

  10. because   YOU   have   green  carpet.

  11. no carpet,,,so it is easy to find

  12. Because it ran Away..... .

  13. Because you have a green carpet!! Buy a new one, it's horrible!!

  14. No, I don't find it hard.

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