
When you feel a ghost presence....?

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When you feel a ghost presence in your company... what should I do?

I have asked a few questions in regards to this topic in the past week or so.

I have spoken about previous experiences that occured 1 to 2 years ago.

Today, something different happened to me.... I felt a gust of wind on my face whilst I walked into the bathroom..... There is no possible way a draft or gust of wind could occur in this area of the house.

It felt like someone took a big lungful of air and blow it at my face. I felt as if a young female was present with me. Maybe a 18 to 23 year old. I am older than her.

These occurences always seem to happen either near my bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.

I don't mind the feeling or another presence around me as long as it doesn't wish vengence towards myself or my family which consists of 2 children, but I'd like to know how to communicate more effectively with this ghost.

Does anyone have any advice that could assist me?





  1. Sorry I do not believe in ghosts, aliens (UFO kind), Santa, Easter Bunny, Bigfoot, Nessie, alive Elvis,...

  2. try these web-sites and see if they can help with your spokey problem good luck!!!!

  3. "Feeling" anything is a subjective experience that can be influenced by any number of factors.

    You felt a breeze on your face OVER A YEAR AGO.  That experience stuck with you (for some reason), probably because you reached the quick conclusion that such a breeze is just plain impossible by natural means.  Having reached the conclusion this breeze could not be produced naturally, there was apparently only one other possible explanation--a spirit caused it.  Armed with the information, you had no problem concluding it was the spirit of a female who was 18 to 23 years old.  I wonder how you could make that deduction based solely on a puff of air.  Was she 23 then and is now 25?  Was she 23 at death and will remain that age forever?

    Which is more likely, that you ran into a breeze that formed naturally, or that you are being followed by a 23 year old female spirit, the only evidence of which you have is a general feeling or intuition?

  4. That doesn't seem like enough to get worked up about. You need to get more validation before you even think it is a ghost or spirit.

    We've all gotten deep chills which may have an answer in the paranormal but not necessarily a haunting.

    Try to relax and don't spread fear to children. If it were not for parents fearing lightening and thunder children would not have those fears.

  5. My honest opinion for you is to do an EVP session (Electronic Voice Phenomena).

    You can go to Walmart and get a $30 digital recorder...nothing fancy....just make sure it is PC compatible.

    Then when the house is quiet (I always have someone with me for verification) turn on the recorder and just ask questions. Give about a minute to about two minutes between the questions so they have time to answer back. Always be polite when you do this.

    I do not provoke because I can tell you....if I was dead and someone was being bossy I wouldn't want anything to do with them..

    My sessions last for about 30-40 mins. But whatever you comfortable with.

    Then you would want to listen to your session and see if you have anything. You can download Audacity to listen to the EVP session, it's a free download.

    If you have any questions you are more then welcome to get in contact with me.

  6. Sorry i do not have much experience with ghosts.Most of my experiences are with aliens.

  7. If you really feel you have a ghost, just talk to it like you would a live person. You will be suprised how well this works.


  8. Have you noticed anywhere else this type of thing happens?, like feeling cold or hot or tingly on your skin? what times does this occur ? Has anything changed for the better/worse since your last encounter 1 or 2 years ago?

    All of us have a spirit guide/angel with us for protection and sometimes they do this sort of thing to communicate something they want us to know. Your guide may be a family member that you knew or it may be a family member from the past that you never knew.

    I don't think the presence is there to harm anyone.

    My suggestion would be to go where you can meditate in your home without any distractions and ask out loud :

    Spirit guide I know you are around me, will you please reveal yourself to me and what it is that you are trying to tell me?

    You may also concentrate strongly on this issue just before going to sleep and then concentrate on it again when you wake up and some answers may come to you. Your guide/angel may choose to reveal what it is when you are in your dream state. Your guide/angel also can reveal things to you in your thoughts, sort of nudging you in the right direction about something. Paying closer attention to your intuition may also hold the answer.

  9. Check to make sure that your electrical wiring is properly shielded. You could be walking into a fear cage.

    P.S. The reference is from the Sci-Fi Channel show "Ghost Hunters". Basically, if you have electrical wiring that isn't properly shielded you get a lot of electrical "leakage". A nearby large electromagnetic field can make you feel like someone is watching you, like you're on edge, etc. They refer to it as a "fear cage".

    P.P.S. It's when you have a concentration of unshielded wires that you get a fear cage, e.g. a junction box, etc.

  10. Start by taking photos around the area and see what shows up talk to them they are just letting you know they are there if you want call in a proffesional to hold a seance but I recommend that the children should stay somewhere else for the night that you hold it

  11. You feel a breeze and conclude it must be a ghost?  Jeez.


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