
When you feel sad and frustrated with life, how do you get over it?

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When you feel sad and frustrated with life, how do you get over it?




  1. Exercise. Go to the Gym. Take a run

  2. Occupy your mind and time with things you love and look for a good therapist because it could be, not as simple as my answer.

  3. i've had a lot of experiences like that, and the truth is that it always gets better. time heals everything, and one day you'll look back and say "wow things are so much better now".

  4. well I just try doing things I like.. It really never goes away you just have to distract yourself.

  5. I just think of all the positive things in my life.  We are always going to have struggles and be frustrated with things....but at the same time we have to think about how grateful we are for family, friends, a great country, etc.  

    When I'm sad, I also just take some time to myself and reflect.  Things will get better over time...

  6. i usually just let everything i'm feeling out to my friends lol... listen to some sad music ( making myself worse :S ) but sometimes it helps to let yourself feel worse for you to feel better :) having a good old cry and chat to your mates helps after a while though.

  7. i just don't or just try not to think about it


  9. Do something that makes you hapy, but don't get addicted. Take a vacation, even if you don't leave the house. Turn off your cell, computer, take off of work.

  10. I usually talk to my mom

    She understands me more than anyone I know

  11. I keep on trying.

    I talk to a friend.

    Sometimes I buy myself something special.

    I eat some chocolate.

    I keep busy with Yahoo Answers.

    I watch a movie on TV or work on a craft that I enjoy.

    I keep going to therapy and take my medications.

    There is always a level of sadness and frustration simmering inside me.

  12. try meditation, with candles and incense burning. it helps me feel better.

  13. I look at the situation, what I am frustrated with, and find answers and act upon them.  When I am really confused sad and frustrated, that I don't know what to do, I pray to God to help find the answers, and he usually does give me the answers.

  14. * talk about it with someone


    * write pros and cons


    * do something you like and enjoy


  15. Usually I give myself a pitty party, and then I realize I am better than that. I get up and go do somethign for myself, it can be going to excercise, shopping reading a good magazine or calling a friend to vent... I need to do that a lot now as I am preggers and have seemed a little down.


  17.                I could have asked the same question. The best way to get over depression is to get involved in the community and better yourself. The key is to stay busy and get into situations where you can meet positive people. Going to church is a good start. Volunteer for as much as you can when you have free time, apply for classes at a college, and get involved in a good job. Don't need a great paying job, just a job that you enjoy and around positive people.

                   Another thing that I think works better than anything is exercising. When I jog in the morning it sets the tune for my day and definitely helps lower my stress levels big time. Plus it builds confidence and its always nice when you know your losing a few puonds here and there.

                 I have depression problems just like you, so I know how you feel its a tough road. If you try all these things and still are having troubles I would recommend seeing a psychologist and possibly getting on medication. Good luck!

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