
When you feel so depress what do you do?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know how to handle this situation.

I am living with my husband and step daughter age 16.

She is overconfident and bossy. She creates all kind of trouble.

But my husband never get mad to her. Usually I complain to him the things she did. Then always end up I am the one got so many punch of word. Every single time she starts some trouble I have to cry. Not her.

Even the time she did steal my money.

Only one thing he can't do with her is sleep togerther .So I am a his hugging pillow. I really feel that way.

I have to lose either way.

I am so depress and sad.

I love him but my love doesn't work.

I almost want to die.....




  1. Pack up and leave! Why be miserable? He is letting a 16 yr old bully his WIFE.  


  3. I don't get depressed because I am in the gravy if I even think I have a problem I just come on here and read one entry and realize ok maybe it's not that bad that it's raining today or what ever is going on. Y/A users problems never seize to amaze me.

  4. your daughter is in her puberty. Your husband should not try to cover up her bad behavior. maybe try counselling...

  5. When i get depressed I work out.. it helps.. go for a walk get back to nature and talk to your husband tell him that your not happy with ur life anymore and maybe you need counciling

  6. Counseling...Please try counseling.

  7. first of all, go seek some counseling. it works.

    secondly, send the kid to the mothers , if at all possible. If not , the witch of a stepdaughter is not the problem, its your husband, hes letting this little girl run his life and ruin yours. so you need to stand up FIRMLY. either HE smartens her up, or you leave.

    You are letting this happen. You need to speak up LOUDLY, and if he doesnt smarten her up, then you need to and if he has a problem with it, then you've got another problem.

    I would ground her, take her cell phone and internet and all the other b.s. that the spoiled teens of today take for granted.  If youre husband cant help you with this, you may want to rethink your marriage altogether, sorry but its the truth

  8. I have found reading the Bible to be the BEST thing for depression. Read the book of Psalms and the next thing you know your mind will be at peace. There is nothing more comforting than Gods words. Also pray for your step daughter and husband. God has a way of really helping those that call upon him.

  9. sleep, sleep, sleep!

  10. I understand you frustration however those things his daughter are doing are normal teenage things.  I remember when I was a teenager I thought I was all that and a bag of chips.  I was sassy.  I probably stole money and cigarettes from my Mom.  I was a normal teenager.  You need to discuss this with your husband but not try to make every single conversation be about her.  I surely hope you treat her like you treat your own child.  I think you think you are in competition for your husbands love and that is a big No No.  If that was your daughter and she was to do those things how would you handle it?  I bet you would disipline her but love her no matter what.  You wouldn't be fighting for attention from your husband if she was your daughter either.  Treat her like she is your own and try not to nag the husband so much because that will create choas and it will end your marriage.  Seek a Dr for your depression however do not get on anti-depressants try going about it in a different way.

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