
When you find a spider in your house do you kill it, ignore it, or shoo it ?

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  1. sometimes I suck it up in the vaccuum

  2. i kill that dang thing!! i hate spiders.

  3. i make my boyfriend get it on paper or something and take it outside. I'm a vegetarian and even killing spiders makes me sad hehe. <3Q

  4. I don't kill them; I'd like to but my husband gets angry with me. I try to catch them and place them in the garden.  

  5. if you dont kill them, there will only be more of them.  

  6. kill it  

  7. I yell for my 16 yr. old son to come get it for me........I hate spiders they give me the creeps =)

  8. I have a humane bug catcher, so usually, I catch the spider and throw it outside...there is not reason why we need to kill spiders...what if you were a spider?

    But, if it's on my bed or my towel, then I may kill it. Very rarely though.

  9. Usually when I see a spider, I leave it alone. But if it's in a bad place, like on my bed, I'll shoo it or try to catch it and toss it out.

  10. I shoo it, don't like them staying in the house.

  11. if i feel its a danger to me or my family then i either kill it or catch it and put it outside. but if its not harmful i just shoo it away.


  12. My mom insists on catching them and putting them outside. She keeps them alive because they kill mosquitoes.

  13. depends...I'm pretty afraid of spiders. If I can bring myself to ignore it (ie. if it's microscopic , lol) then I do. Otherwise  I kill it and say a prayer (and I'm devout agnostic, but I still do). I feel bad killing something because I'm afraid of it. But...I've gotten better and now I've even slept when there was one on my ceiling ..maybe the size of the eraser end of a pencil (see annoying Oops messages ;0 )

    I also have my house sprayed every month in summer and have those electronic thingies in all my rooms ,so I usually don't get spiders :-)

  14. Spiders kill the bugs that harm or annoy us like mosquitoes, etc. They are mostly benign to humans and pets although some do bite when irked. I usually ignore the spiders but try to clean up their webs.

  15. I leave it alone.  Spiders are generally harmless and eat other icky bugs, including other spiders.  Only if it is a black widow, a hobo, or a brown recluse do they get the squishy treatment.

  16. Kill it!!  I kill the ones outside, too!

  17. I HaTe spiders, so unfortunately, I kill them!!!!! Unless they're super super small. Otherwise...smoosh!

  18. i kill it

  19. If its' big and hairy or black and deadly, I kill it. If its' skinny I let him catch my flies. If he's near my bed he's dead. If he's in my car he's gone too far. If he talks back I move out of the way.

  20. KILL!!! I HATE BUGS!!!!!!

  21. I would leave it or put it outside babe!

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