
When you first felt the baby move, how often did you feel him/her move?

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I'm 16 weeks pregnant and steadily awaiting the first flutters. When you first felt the baby move how often did you feel it? Every blue moon, I think I feel something it's almost like a tiny tickle or even like a tiny numbness type tingling in my tummy (sort of the tingling when your foot falls asleep but just in the middle of my tummy in a very tiny spot). But then I don't feel it the rest of the day. Also I am bigger, so I just wonder if I wont feel the baby this early because of that. Thanks for any answers.




  1. I didn't start feeling kicks until I was around 20 weeks but everyone is different!  

  2. I would go DAYS without feeling him - It made me nervous. About 2 weeks after feeling him first I started feeling him every day!

    I started feeling him at 18 weeks, feeling him on the outside at 19 weeks and SEEING him on the outside at 21 weeks.

  3. 16 weeks is pretty early, but you never know. I felt my daughter for the first time at 17 weeks, and my doctor said that was really early. (I'm thin too, so I'm sure that helped.) BUT right away I started feeling kicks (no doubt about it kicks) so I probably missed the flutters. My husband actually felt her kick the same day I did. So it's definitely possible that you're feeling something. It is such an exciting time!! Congrats!

  4. Sounds like you are feeling the baby move.  At first you may not feel the movement all the time (once a day), but soon enough you will be asking the sweet little thing to take a break from moving around SO much :-)

  5. when i had my 1'st pregnancy i was about 190 and i started to feel her around 15 weeks or so. When i was pregnant w/ my 2nd i was much bigger and didint feel her till like 18-19 weeks. if i felt her sooner i had no idea. Don't worry tho. 16 weeks is still very early. u will feel the baby in the next few weeks. congrats!

  6. when I first felt the baby move I only felt it every once in awhile and it fellt like a small pluck inside my tummy. but now I am 36 weeks and my baby moves ALL THE TIME so just be patient soon your baby will be keeping you up at night becuz he/she doesn't want to stop moving lol

  7. I first felt the little flutter around 16-17 weeks it was like i had a tickle in my tummy but only felt it a few times. I then started to notice kicks and movement around 22 weeks. I am overweight but it did not stop me from feeling the movement. Congrats  

  8. I had this with my first pregnancy and now 20 weeks pregnant with this one--I feel a kick or flutter then nothing all day. It's normal until the baby gets a bit bigger.  

  9. your still early so movements arent going to be regular quite yet, but by 22ish weeks you should be feeling them everyday. i didnt feel the first movement till about 21 weeks and then for a few weeks the only time i felt it was when i was laying down to go to sleep or when i was just waking up...but it was EVERYnight and EVERYmorning. now that im 34 weeks i fe her move all day everyday.  

  10. girl being "bigger" does not mean you will not feel your baby move, I started to feel my baby moving around 14 weeks and I am "big" too lol :) This is the best thing to do to feel the baby move; drink a tall glass of cold milk, and then lie flat on your back. This would work for me and my baby would go nuts! He moved all over the place! The very best of luck to you and your soon to be newborn!  

  11. To me they were like flutters or like how it feels when you get gassy so I wasnt sure if it was the baby moving of gas :P

    when I was sure it was the baby moving it was only every once in awhile that I noticed it otherwise I might have been too busy to notice.


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