
When you first....for anyone to answer?

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had s*x did you find it awkward,fast, and not like you thought?And did you know it was going to feel not exactly good the first time?




  1. the s*x itself wasnt so great, a little dull, kind of painful. i was expecting it to be somewhat painful...but i enjoyed it because it was with someone i cared about.

  2. It was definitely not what I had thought or imagined.  

  3. well i loved it the first time, but then it was also her first time, and i didnt expect it to make me miserable that it hurt her, but it did. so the end effect wasnt what i tought it was gonna be. but it gets better.

  4. I found it painful and kind of like mating to be honest with you...

  5. i heard all of that was true... im still a virgin so im not talkin from experience... thats why you should wait till ur married and then it'll be special because it was with the one you truly love

  6. Feel not good? I'm guessing you are a girl? As awkward as it can be for a guy it's not going to feel "not good."

  7. it totally felt awkward cuz i had no idea what i was doing. i never really got pleasure out of it either cuz he was kinda small

  8. My first time was awkward... my girl was screaming and it was so freaken  tight. i couldnt figure out which is the whole. We had no foreplay and she had a very bad experience, so did i. I blamed her and she blamed me, and atlast we broke up.    After that i read books about s*x and orgasms and learned the necessary knowledge. I problem was, i never watched p**n so i had no practical idea of what i was i love to have s*x, but i dont think its a big deal..

  9. i was only young when i lost my virginity but i enjoyed my first time but thats is cos i was actually in a relationship with him and he loved me and we took it slow and it was a special moment :)


  10. felt like masturbating with a v****a instead of a hand

  11. I didn't know the first time what "it would feel like."  But sure, everybody's first time tends to be a bit awkward.  Even as you gain more experience, the first time with a partner with whom you haven't been before also tends to be a bit awkward.  s*x and how you do it tends to be very unique for each of us.

  12. first time will always be bad, you need practice it will get better trust me it always does.  

  13. 1st GF it felt like masturbating into a pillow.. 3rd time was really good...

    with wife,  it was good always.

  14. I thought it was painful and it put me off for a long time, i couldnt understand what the fuss was all about but then again i was doing it with someone who didnt really care. But then i met my ex and it was wonderful, and you know what they say .. once you pop you cant stop! lol  

  15. Yeah I knew, but I still enjoyed it. I mean obviously it wasn't as good as I know now it can be but it wasn't bad.

  16. when its your first time it is awkward..but when you look back at it you wont regret it and the person that you did it with..and thats a good thing

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