
When you first read that Georgia was warring with Russia, what was the first thing that came to your mind?

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Did you think Atlanta was getting a little too uppity?




  1. No, I first thought:  "here we go again!".  The parallels between Hitler's Germany and Putin's Russia are simply frightning.

  2. Did I unplug the iron?

  3. Well... isn't Russia the actual aggressor here?  Georgia is the one being invaded.  This has been a long slow escalation -- not surprising that it is come full circle back to open conflict again.  While the Russians may hold all the cards when it comes to military resources, The Georgians have the moral and global political high ground.

    By Atlanta do you mean CNN, or was this entire question a bit of a joke?  ;)

  4. Dead bodies in the streets.  Russia likes to kill people with poison... Sick as this might sound,  it's better to see ruble and air strikes than the quiet calm of biological contamination. The sad and serious things is, this is going to escalate to other breakaway regions. Russia's ultimate goal is to reunite all the territories once again and become a giant superpower. They will not be merciful to the people or government of Georgia. The world will have to get involved.  

  5. No, I knew Georgia was country. But a few years ago, I might not have.

  6. Russia invading Georgia..not a good thing..causing major issues between them..and the world is watching what is going on

  7. LOL  

  8. Since I’m Swiss I first heard the news in German so I didn’t even think of Georgia, Atlanta (because they have different names).

    What I thought is who the h**l is really behind this incident?

    Now it’s beginning to look like the whole thing is US and Israeli inspired.

    Georgia, the ex-Soviet province, now is a member of NATO. The West is bound to protect NATO members. Georgia just attacked its own breakaway province of Ossetia, which has aligned itself with Mother Russia, despite Ossetia’s being guaranteed independence since 1992. Russia has responded with a military incursion of its own that could possibly be expected to include all of Georgia.

    Was this orchestrated at this strategic time by the USA & Israel to occupy and distract the world and Russia from an Iranian invasion? Time will tell !

    Zionist radicals have so much power in American media and government that vital truths don’t come out.

  9. I knew what was going on, only the non informed freaked out in our Country. The first thing that came to my mind was the Cold War and what impact my poor children are going to endure.  

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