
When you first saw the 9/11 attacks taking place what did you think of it?

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the government






  1. At first I thought it was an accident. Little 2 seater plane gone wrong.

  2. at first accident, then i really thought about it and decided terrorist attack as a result of bad foreign relations

  3. I remember when it was first stated we were under terrorist attack, I was extremely worried cause I live in the suburbs of NY city and figured Indian Point would be hit which of course would have been more catastrophic than most could imagine. I left work early to pick up my baby from day care, and went to watch the news on TV. But then I stopped being worried about Indian Point  and confused as to what was really going on.

    I remember when the 1st tower collapsed, I asked myself why did they demolish that building while there's still people inside? Then the 2nd crashed and I thought something is very fishy. Then I heard about the Pentagon and the plane crash over PA and I thought those things were wierd too. The reports were very sketchy on those 2 things so it felt like something was being hidden.

    About 5 PM building 7 went down looking like the picture perfect demolition which is exactly what most news casters were saying. I was puzzled as the news continued and took on a whole new tone from what they had been saying the whole day. The propaganda had started and was quite transparent to me.

  4. The end of the world as we know it.

  5. I know it sounds selfish, but the first thing I thought was "Thank God I live in Oklahoma and not New York."

  6. When I first switched on my TV I thought that they had made a remake of the film Towering Inferno. It was not for quite a few minutes that I realised it was no movie.

  7. That it was the first shot on American soil in World War III.

  8. people  who did r mad and who askd  why is Mr.Boush.The history tells us any one can do exept mouslem as islam order us that we must keep and save live even enamy   Please do not cosider Ibn  Laden and his gange a moslum thy are very far from islam .

  9. I saw some of the first reports on TV and I was in shock. At first, I thought it was an accident...a plane that malfunctioned and crashed into the building. When the second one hit, I realized it couldn't have been accidental. I guess that's when I thought terrorists, but the idea was just too unbelievable.

  10. Yup 'Kyle S'...and the Democrats don't need a reason.  It's why Korea, Vietnam, Haiti, Somalia and Bosnia-Herzogovina were bombed!  How many people do you think died in those conflicts?

  11. I was doing an activity involving the weather for industrial tech. my sophmore year in high school. We had to watch the news for the weather.. Then it happened. Like 20 minutes after class started.

    My teacher got an e-mail saying there was a fire in the pentagon, then they said it was another plane crash 45 minutes later.

    My first thought was.. Since the only hijackings in history I was familiar with were Cuban nationals.. Also the Pan-Am bombing shot through my mind.. So I was thinking Libya.. But I also thought maybe FARC...

  12. At the time I assumed it was done by Muslim terrorists.  Only later did I realize the attack could have been done by anyone.

  13. Oh ****...what country will George jr bomb?

  14. I live in England and saw it all on the news, I thought there was going to be a World War 3

  15. I thought that this is the beginning of the end for this nation.

  16. I thought accident at first, but when the 2nd tower was hit, I thought terrorists.  By that time, I think the media was already claiming terrorists, I'm not sure.

    In the aftermath, I was so profoundly affected by the imagery of the towers coming down, and the constant mention of terrorists, that I didn't notice the things that didn't make sense.

    Like millions of people, I kept accepting everything I was told at face value.  I first sensed something wasn't right when I noticed the government was seemingly resisting a public investigation.  I no longer believe it was master-minded by Arab terrorists.

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