
When you first start your periods ... how far apart are they usually?

by  |  earlier

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OK, um, I was just wondering because I just started my period --

well they start off irregular, right? So, um, how irregular? I know that the regular is 28 days or so apart, but how about irregular?

I was wondering which days I'd have to take pads with me to school or wherever.




  1. I started high school when I was thirteen, and each period lasted an hour. I had five each day, with ten minutes in between each.

  2. My Periods are irregular I'm hardly ever on a 28 day cycle. But just take a pad the week before u start.

  3. they sometimes are irregular. mine was. they should come oncec a months maybe a few days late but always keep pads in your locker trust me i have been through that exerpeince :S

  4. always have them with you you never know when it will creep up on you bring an emergency pack in your purse that has a baby wipe and pad for accidents. until you become regular if you ever become regular.

  5. it really depends on each individual person. the first time, i'd expect about a week. keep them with you till it completely stops. most people have regular periods if you are normal body weight.  

  6. People say irregular because there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to when they come.  You just have to make sure you always have a pad on you.  It may be that your period might happen in 60 days or 20 days. It's best to just always be ready for it.

  7. every other day.

  8. For me, it started and already I was regular. But...

    "For the first year or two, your periods are usually irregular. That means they can happen anywhere from once a month to 3 times a year. Periods start coming on a regular schedule once your body starts releasing eggs (ovulation). Ovulation usually begins 1 to 2 years after your period starts, but can happen with your first period. "

    So it would be good for you to always have a pad with you, just in case (which I still do as an adult... plus, if a friend happens to need one you'll be equiped to help lol)


  9. Congrats!

    Mine were irregular for years, just bring a pad or tampon with you in your backpack all the time. Sometimes you will feel cramping just before it starts so you will have sort of an idea. In a few months you will get the hang of what your body is going to be like.

    Good luck!

  10. yea my wife says sometimes at first it can be odd 2-3 weeks and then sometimes 5 weeks but she says to nalways bring a pad

  11. i ALWAYS bring pads with me even if my period just ended so i don't have to worry about remembering to bring them.  My period was very unusual i would go three months without having one.  But I'm going to say its different for everyone.  Then mine became regular there were 28 days apart. Try asking your mom cause i realized when i asked my sister i couldn't ask my mom. She had the same thing happen.

  12. irregular????  do you really have to ask this?

    just take pads to school everyday, just in case.

  13. well i would advise u to take them everday...for you..or in case ur friends need them...u never know...

    as for the irregular thing.... lets c i've had mine for almost 6 years and yes it is really irregular at may even skip some months..... its really hard to estimate when ur next period is going to start because it's always really tricky at first...

    later it does adjust to a regular cycle..... and maybe u have heard this a million times, but u have to maintain a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy, drink a lot of water, and exercise often. if u don't this can cause the period to be irregular. well i hope this helped.  

  14. if everything goes according to nature, 28 days give or take....good luck!!  

  15. good question

  16. Can be MONTHS between them at first.

  17. mine are only 5 minutes in between each

  18. mine was like 30 days irregular  

  19. Remember that just starting your period isn't the only factor. Diet, stress, just about everything messes with your timing. I've had friend freak because they missed three months without a warning, others complain that they got in twice in one month. It's been a while since I started myself, but I pretty much started out regular, once every thirty or so days, and only changed in the amount, with my first being very light for about two days, stopping all but 24 hours, then becoming very heavy and eventually staying that way.

    Unfortunately, it's going to be a while before your body adjusts. You should probably discreetly mark a calender, you know, circle the dates in your school planner or something, and after a few months you will have a good idea what general days it will come to expect it.

    In any case, you should always carry at least one source of protection, pads or tampons, at all times, because nature likes to mess with you and start it up in the middle of an important exam three days early.... or the like... yeah. And even if its way off your schedule, you will forever be life saver among friends, because EVERY girl forgets at an important time at one point.

  20. I'm sorry.  I thought this question was about punctuation marks...carry on.

  21. keep one with you at all times for a first starter, find a hidden pouch in your school bag if your embarrassed.. there is not usually a pattern for beginners they are spiratic,., If you want to even them out to a regular pattern, try birth control a lower dosage of it UNLESS your sexually active then get the regular dosage but doctors can perscribe lower dosages to help with irregular periods.  

  22. The first time I got my period I didn't get it again for a year.

    No Worries, though.

    It differs from girl to girl.

    I'm still irregular (3 years latter ... ugh)

    best of wishes


  23. They are indeed sometimes irregular, usually happening once a month. Ive heard that your periods usually change depending on who you spend the most time with, like during the summer, if you spend most of your time around your mom, you might start following her "Schedule"

    Sometimes, at first you might skip a month, or sometimes they can be around two weeks apart.

    If I were you, I would have an extra pad with you where ever you go, in your backpack, locker, purse, or whatever.

    Hope I could be of some sort of help. :)

  24. It's different for everybody. As for me, my period could be a couple of weeks or a couple of months. It's perfectly normal though, so it's nothing to worry about.

    It should typically balance out within a year or two, maybe even sooner. However, I have a few friends who started around ten or eleven (we're in our mid to later teens now), and they are still irregular after all of this time.

    As for the pad thing...

    You could always ask the nurse. They should keep them in stock. However, that might be a bit uncomfortable for you. If so, just keep a spare or two in your backpack or locker.  

    Hope this helped.

  25. your right in the first year or so it will be irregular so you might want to track it on a calendar and around that time just be prepared k good luck

  26. sometimes you skip a month  

  27. A month........

  28. im 13 and in 8th grade i started in 4th so yeah

    sometime i skip but they usally dont come

    early i wear a pad a couple days before there supoosed to come

  29. In the beginning, they can sometimes be as close together as two weeks, or they can be as far apart as a week later than the usual month. I good idea would be to just find a discreet pocket in your book bag and/or purse and keep them there at all times. Even when it starts to become regular, they are always good to have on hand, especially if a friend needs one.  

  30. when i first got mine i missed a month but now their pitty regular 2 years later but it really depends on how your bodie is

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