
When you float a horses teeth does that mean only the wolf teeth or all of them?

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When you float a horses teeth does that mean only the wolf teeth or all of them?




  1. All of the teeth are floated and wolf teeth are often pulled when the horse is young, especially if the vet already has a male sedated for gelding.

  2. It means all teeth are checked and filed.   Over time points appear from unever wear and all the grinding of eating grass/hay.   A dentist/vet will use a file or power tool to remove this sharp points & make for a good chewing surface.

  3. Funchy is right. Because of what a horse eats and the grinding action they use to chew it can cause uneven spots on their teeth and sharp points. These can cause it to be hard or painful for them to eat. It can even cause them to be underweight b/c if the teeth are out of alignment bad enough they will drop their food as they eat or not break it down well enough for the gut to digest it properly. When the vet or equine dentist comes out they will check and see what needs to be filed and what doesn't. If the horse needs them all filed then they'll do all of them or they may just need their wolf teeth done. It all depends on the horse and how long its been since they've had their teeth floated last.

  4. When your vet checks your horses teeth, he'll determine what teeth need to be floated, or if any need to be floated at all.  He won't file those that don't need it, however, any points or hooks that he finds will need to be taken care of.

  5. usually all of them. if your having your vet do it then yes they will do all of them, if your doing it then still you should do all of them. The reason for floating them is because after time grain and roughage can wear down the top of your horses teeth, causing sharp edges to form on the outside of the of the upper molars and premolars and on the inside of his lower molars and premolars. Oh ya i've never heard of people floating their horses wolf teeth, you might want to ask your riding instructor about it. Hope this helps :]

  6. I agree with pulling the wolf teeth...they aren't needed and they get in the way.  Another thing floating of teeth includes is the removal of tartar which can form thick hard deposits around the teeth and cause painful gum infections.

  7. all teeth are checked and filed. My horse had her wolf tooth removed but all her other teeth still need care.

  8. Usually, when horses' teeth are floated, they file all of the teeth. Sometimes, only the wolf teeth need worked on, though.

  9. All of them. The wolf teeth should be pulled if they interfere with the action of the bit. Most cases they are pulled when the horse is young so your horse may not have them. Floating is the filing of sharp points so the horse can properly chew his or her food without causing them to be uncomfortable. Horses on high forage feeding regimens then to have less sharp points than horses on low forage high grain diets.

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