
When you fluke a shot....?

by  |  earlier

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The other day I was watching Peter Ebdon's match against Ali Carter. Anyway, in Frame 20 (I think) Ebdon doubled a red against the cushion and potted it in the middle pocket.

I was wondering, when you make a shot like that and it comes off. Are you screaming '******* YES!' in your head even though you have to remain calm and collected???




  1. no  just put hand up for sorry

  2. h**l yeah, in my head I imagine a mini me doing a jig.

  3. These guys are professionals. Even though the craziest shots may LOOK like flukes to you, in reality the players have the whole shot sorted out-- the only reason that sometimes they put their hand up after these types of shots is because theyre trying to be modest and don't want everyone to think they're try hards.

  4. no,if you play snooker a double is just a standard normal shot like any other.

  5. I just acknowledge the fact that not only am I brilliant when I get things right, but I'm also sometimes brilliant when I get things wrong!

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