
When you found out you were pregnant, did you expect it?

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I just want to know what your story is about when you found out you were expecting a baby. Did you see it coming? Were you completely surprised? What was going on with your body-any symptoms or lack of? I am just kind of curious about what others have experienced.

We have been ttc for 25 months now and are seeing an RE. However we opted not to do any treatments the last 2 cycles. We needed a break. I am on cd 28 and assuming AF is right around the corner.

I love hearing others ttc stories because it gives me so much hope that we too will hold our babies someday! Thanks for sharing!!




  1. I got pregnant last year with the help of clomid in my 3rd cycle but lost the little boy this year at 6 months.Am pregnant again(got preggers 2 months after the loss) and will be making 17 weeks tomorrow.With both pregnancies i spotted on the day i expected AF and also had alot of gastro in my stomach.I didnt have so many symptoms though.I didnt expect all pregnancies to come at that soon because i have PCOS.

    I just hope that this time all goes well for me.

  2. Oh my gosh I love hearing these stories too!  I was really not expecting to get a positive although I felt something was just 'off'.  My husband is in the military and we had just gotten relocated to a foreign country.  We got married about a week before we had to move (after being legally married in January but we had the big ceremony for our families).  So, we moved into our new house and after all the stress of moving and my horrible fear of flying I thought there was no chance it could happen.  I tested the day my period was due and got a negative but still felt something wasn't right, and my b***s weren't sore like they always are before my period.  Well, 6 days late I tested again and got my positive!  Had to wait hours for hubby to get home from work to tell him.  Longest day of my life!  Good luck to you, and I really hope you get your positive soon!

  3. We were actually trying for almost 3 years with no luck. I was extremely exhausted for like a week before I found out and I had period-like cramps so I just figured AF was coming. When AF was 4 days late(she is usually right on time)hubby thought I should test. I really didn't want to because I was tired of seeing the negatives! So I went in the bathroom and peed on the stick expecting another negative followed by a late AF. But to my was positive!!! After almost 3 years we are finally having a baby!!! It was very exciting and still is...I hope your turn comes soon!!! It will be well worth the wait! ~*~*~BABY DUST~*~*~

  4. well me and my husband had been ttc for about 4 months and every month I took like 3 pregnancy tests all coming back negative. One month my period was 3 days late and then as I was about to take the test I started my period. It wasnt a normal one though it was very heavy and painful I def had miscarried. I creid my eyes out for a couple days after that. Then the next month I cut out all caffine, drank lots of water my most fertile daysand I hadnt missed my period yet but had a feeling so I went and got a test expecting it to say another big fat no! But it was positive and I was so shocked, happy and scared I could have jumped out of my skin lol. ahh best of luck and I will blow some baby dust your way! :)  

  5. I was not expecting my baby. My hisband and I thought that I would have trouble having children because I have ovarian cysts. So I was on birth control anyway just as a small precaution. I started feeling very sluggish and very moody. My abdomen hurt like I was going to get my period but it never came and then one day I was nauseas all day long. I freaked out and my friend took me to SafeWay and I took a test at the store I was so nervous and anxious to know. There is was two blue lines.... My husband was not very thrilled but now he is so excited to meet our little one. I was so scared for the longest time but then it just clicked one day that I am going to be a mom and I need to be the best that I can be at it so ever since I have done everything possible to ensure that my baby will be happy and healthy. As for my health... Its been rocky.. I get IV's once a week so I can stay hydrated because I have such severe nausea... But the baby is happy healthy and kicks all the time...

    I really wish you luck! Being pregnant is not a picnic until you feel that first kick and after that all the pain and sickness (if you have it) and every change for the worst that your body goes through becomes worth while...  

  6. I was Pregnant at the age of 14. Outrageous beyond beliefs, I know. I was way too young and immature to have a baby. And although it was my own fault I was caught in that situation, I decided to do what was best for me. 5 weeks into my term I had an abortion.

  7. We had been ttc for 3 years. We were just about to start Clomid and we found out we were prego (I had lost 80 lbs, thats what the dr thinks helped)

  8. Good luck TTC!

    We were TTC for 1 year before we got pregnant, we unfortunately, lost that baby. We were TTC for a little over 1 more year before we got pregnant again. I had gone into the doctor before I thought I was pregnant, but the tests kept coming up negative...but I KNEW I had to be pregnant. The doctor told me something was wrong, and I needed to come in the next day for some tests, she did however take one more pregnancy test. At 9pm that night my phone rang as my husband and I were about to go to bed (it had been an emotional day hearing something was wrong with my body) was my doctor telling me not to come in the next day, because I was roughly 8 weeks pregnant and my hormone levels looked great. It was the most amazing phone call I have ever received. My husband and I both cried from happiness, and 5 weeks ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!

    Oh, and my symptoms. My b*****s were so sore, my areolas has gotten bigger/darker, and I had morning sickess.

  9. yup both times

  10. Hmm, was I expecting to get pregnant?  Lets see, 38 years old, married 11 years, no children, overweight, diabetic, high blood pressure and poly cystic ovaries plus the doctor told me 2 years ago that my getting pregnant "though not impossible, it's highly improbable"  I would put my response at a big "no way no how".  Here I am though approaching my 30th week of pregnancy.  Stills feel very surreal.  As far as how I felt before I found out.  I felt an unusual heaviness in my lower stomach and my breast hurt.  I took two home pregnancy tests, the 2nd because I figured the 1st one was cheap and had to be faulty.  Then I took a blood test... all the test came out positive and the doctor confirmed with ultra sound a few days later.  I was lucky and caught the pregnancy early, at 7 weeks 4 days.  Considering the medical problems I have I think catching it that early is partly why I've made it this far.

  11. When I founded out I was pregnant it was a bit of a suprise, I was 16 days late when I took my HPT, I was scared to poas because of my past (was afraid of getting a BFN). I had almost all of the signs of pregnancy but I was told pregnancy signs and af are basically the same. Well I had headaches a few morning, and I notice waking up in the middle of the night to urinate, and when I did get up to use the restroom if I didn't had on shoes I would have gotten these weird cramps around my uterus. I had alot of pain ful cramps threw the day.

    Also, my bb got huge and very tender, if I ride over a speed bump it would have hurt

    I conceive of a clomid (7 cycles) and metformin (6 months)

  12. me and my hubby got married... 5 months later i went off b/c 5 months from there we got pregnant, and had and ectopic pregnancy, than 5 months later had a miscarriage... So we stop-ed trying and bought a new house and got moved in... I was thinking i forgot when my last cycle was and decided to take a test.. happened to be our 1st weekend in our new house.. and got a positive (this happened 5 months after the miscarriage) guess 5 is our luck number.. maybe, lol.. but it was kinda a shock even though it wasn't because we wanted a baby, it was just crazy, new house new joys!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU as well!!!

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