
When you get a door re-keyed how does it work, what will they do to the locks?

by  |  earlier

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And how much does it usually cost? I'm getting two locks re-keyed.




  1. they just cut other key with the other key for the lock thank you for asking that question you need to be at list eight years old to solve that problem out only us smart people can do that go back to school and you might learn something  

  2. more when they come to you.taking your locks to them will save a lot.

  3. They install new tumblers inside the lock. These are different lengths, so the key has to be cut different. They usually let you watch when they do this. After you buy the extra keys and have them re-keyed, I would say it's about $10.00 per lock.

  4. When you insert a key into a lock cylinder, it pushes up on tiny pins. These pins are cut and filed to end exactly at the "shear line" of the cylinder. That is why a key of the same manufacture, but of a different configuration (cut) will go into the lock, but won`t turn the cylinder. Some of the pins are protruding beyond the "shear line", and keeping it from turning. When re-keying, a locksmithy uses a different key and places and files new pins to end at the shear line. The price can vary greatly, depending if you remove the lock and take it to him, or if he has to come to your home, the type of lock, etc. My locksmith would always re-key my cylinders for about $6.00, but I would remove them and take them to him.

  5. they can reset the tumblers to respond to the pattern cut on the key,,

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