
When you get a physical, nad they make you pee in a cup, can they tell if you've been smoking?

by  |  earlier

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you no how they do drug tests and ppl pee in cups to see if there doing drugs, can they tell if your smoking?




  1. no they wont test you for drugs

  2. They could if they wanted to, but they don't care so they don't do the test (for cotinine).

  3. I believe smoking can also show up in your urine sample!

  4. it depends on what they are testing for, but they have no authority to turn you in it's the doctor patient confidentiality that can not be broken. but yes pot can show up in your urine. i wouldn't worry.  

  5. smoking cigarettes?>> I don't know, But if they are not testing for it then it won't show up.

    If it is a norml doctor exam ( just testing for UTI or something) and they aren't testing for drugs, then marijuana won't show up.

    If they are testing for drugs then of course marijuana, or whatever they are looking for will show up.

  6. Exposure to nicotine will definitely show up on a urine test.

    What happens is that nicotine in the body is only sparingly soluble, the liver converts it into a soluble compound called cotinine which is then excreted in urine.

    One thing to watch out for, it doesn't matter where the nicotine came from, be it smoking, nicotine patches or gum or even eating lots of the wrong food (eggplant is quite rich in nicotine), the test result will still be the same.

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