
When you get a tattoo do they stick the needle in you and detail on the healing process?

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i want to know if they stick the needle in you and what to do during the healing process and if it hurts




  1. Well, i've never had one but my cousin got a huge dragon on his back. While it was healing he just had a huge bandage on it. Of course tattoo's will hurt, it'll hurt more for others it depends how pain tolerant you are.

  2. Yes the needle goes under your skin to put the ink their so it won't wash off. In the healing process you should make sure and keep the ointment on it that they give you and keep it covered for at least a couple of hours after they are finished. Make sure to keep the site clean and when it dries your skin will peel and it will look kinda gross but it is normal. As for if it will hurt depends on where you get it. Close to a bone ususally hurts a little more than a place with more meat. After a few minutes it will get better (numb). It also depends on you threshold for pain. I hope this helps

  3. they don't like stick the needle in you in you not like at the doctors just threw the first few layers of skin. the easiest way to describe it is like a burning sensation  or having a serrated knife scratched side to side(not up and down like you would to cut something) on the body part your getting tattooed it gets itchy if it takes a long time to do healing process is 1-3 weeks usually depending on the size DO NOT peel the skin that flakes off let it fall off on its own. usually they tell you to use antibiotic soap and like a polysporin to heal it .

  4. yeah it hurts, a lot of people say its an irritating pain, but you can deal with it, and yeah the needle goes in your skin and deposits the ink pigments, healing takes a few weeks, youll want to use a nonscented healing lotion on it the day after you get it, when you take the plastic off it. and thats about it, you sit through the work, they tape it up, you take it off the next day and apply lotion to it...

    it hurts more depending on where you get it, an upper arm doesnt hurt as bas as the spine, the spine area is very tender, so if you got one accross your upper back, itll hurt more when you get to the middle,

    shading generally doesnt really hurt, its the outlining that does...

    hope that helps!

  5. It's like a machine, the needle goes really fast and yes, it goes in, but not really deep.  It hurts, but that depends on where you get it.  I got mine on my bicep, and it wasn't that bad.  They give you instructions about healing after, you have to keep it out of the sun for awhile, and you have to put antibiotic ointment on it for a week or so, and keep it covered.

    It scabs up and itches like crazy for a bit (you can not scratch it!) and the whole process took about 3 or 4 weeks for me, but I was in my 30s when I got it.

  6. I had my first and only tattoo done 2 years ago. It took 4 hours. It did not hurt, it was more uncomfy towards the end. The best way to describe it is like having a sunburn type feeling. Yes, they use needles, but they are not like getting a shot or anything! :)

    They will explain the healing process and should give you an informational sheet on what to do. You have to keep it very very clean. That is the number 1 priority. It will start to itch and you cannot scratch it. You can use hypoallergenic fragrance free lotions to help with the itchiness. Ask your artist how to clean it and what kind of lotion they recommend and follow their advice.

    Make sure you go to a licensed, clean place. The place I went to was as clean as my doctor's office. Ask people for advice on where to go and look around the place.

    Good luck!

  7. Alright, the needle does go under your skin but barely reaches beyond that. During the healing process(2 weeks following the tattoo) you have to keep the tattoo moist to make sure that your skin doesnt peel off or anything like that. Depending where you get it it may hurt. Generally the ribs, crotch, spine, palms and the underside of your forearm are the most sensitive areas. It does hurt a little but you would be surprised. but in my mind, it is totally worth it.

  8. Come on, the internet is filled with real information about this.  Do you think Y! answers is really the best place to find this out?

  9. dude is this john john???

  10. no. it's performed with the new high tech laser and it doesn't hurt at all.

    duuh dude, of course they stick the needle in you and it hurts.

    it's a tattoo. that's what it's all about.

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