
When you get a vaginal ultrasound do they cover the probe with a condom or jelly?

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sometimes they just use jelly on me and others they cover it with a condom, why is this?




  1. The jelly is to make the picture show up its called US JELL and they use the condom for protection for you but don't be worried if they don't they have to clean the probes with a cleaner that kills EVERYTHING even AID and HIV so don't be to worried i'm sure they are not exposing you to anything harmful.

    also she might use KY on the probe to make it go in easier on top of the condom

  2. when i had mine they used the jelly stuff

  3. ive had 3 different vaginal ultrasounds performed by three different offices and they all used jelly

  4. I've actually had both a condom and the jelly.  It makes it easier to slide in.

  5. The first time I just had the jelly. The second time, I had a condom with jelly.  

  6. Interesting. Maybe they use a condom to make the woman feel better about it. I always assumed it was a clinical precaution, but obviously not. So my RE and OB use a condom and jelly, and also I know in Germany they use a condom too (where trans-vaginal ultrasounds are free with your annual free pap smear ... makes you sick eh?!)

  7. Both times I had an ultrasound done she used both!  

  8. They use the condom and jelly to keep from passing anything into the opening of the v****a. They put the jelly on first and then the condom.

  9. With me both times they have used both.  I guess it depends on each clinics procedure. xx

  10. I have had several of these done recently at my RE's office.  They always put the jelly in the condom.  So they use both.  I hope if your office isn't using a condom over the wand that it is a disposible wand and they don't reuse it with other patients.  You may want to ask about that.

  11. They use the jelly for lubrication...they are supposed to use a condom for sterile purposes, unless they have a throw away wand that they change after every ultrasound.

  12. When I went they put a condom and jelly!

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