
When you get angry do you?

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Smash things . I do I can't seem to control myself. Just wanted to see if I wasn't the only one.




  1. oh yeah i've done it. i finally learned my lesson when i broke something that was irreplaceable. i also realized even though i felt like i couldn't control it, i can. now when i pick something up i remind myself of how sad i am over the things i've lost and how i don't want to feel that way again and i've actually broken myself of the habit. if i feel like i must do something, i'll punch a pillow!  

  2. A couple of times I've thrown something at the wall but I don't normally break things.  When I'm angry I usually cry out of frustration.  

  3. I don't, but some people do. should go to an anger management class or something.

    it's not healthy to smash things when you're angry.  

  4. I never smash things...But i could give you a couple things to do instead...What i find helps the best is hitting a punching bag....Its unreal how much anger that takes out!  Also its a little more expensive, but this is my stress reliever is playing the drums...Beating the **** out of some drums helps a ton!

  5. I write music, which is a great way for me. I used to throw things.

    If something gets you angry, try relaxing like a bath or watching TV. Or write your thoughts on a bit of paper and rip it up into 1000 pieces.

    OR, play a shooter game!

  6. Yes, I smash almost anything in sight. And sometimes I even bite a chunk out of my lip.

  7. Hello,

    When i get angry i ttend to need to have a few moments to my self or h**l breaks loose.

    Have a nice day

  8. better to smash things than hit out and hurt someone

  9. My husband used to thump the wall

  10. No, not smash but I yell. Loud. Best thing to do is throw something or try to break something you cant actually a book. lol

  11. Yes!! I throw stuff around in my room. I also (not in any particular order): grit my teeth, cry uncontrollably, yell so loud sometimes I think there is a demon inside of me, and say things that I know I will regret. In the heat of the moment, I usually get so angry that when it's all over and done with (and I'm calm again) I end up forgetting why I was angry in the first place. It's really bad I know. I have anger issues.

  12. I usually just throw something against the wall like a pen or pencil.

  13. I threw what was in my hand across the kitchen once.

    As it was a bowl of sugar it took me ages to clear up.

    Since that day I just swear - under my breath if children are around.

    Odd how a few words,  old English ones too, relieve feelings.

  14. If i get angry with my mum and dad i also shout and always feel better when i fling my pillow about my room :P

  15. I wish I did, I gather It’s quite effective to smash something when you feel angry. In the beginning I usually laugh, and then I either cry, get in a mood or block it out and get on with my day.

    I'd much rather your method.

  16. have only got REALLY angry 2 times in my lifetime!

    but yes felt like i could kill someone!  

  17. I don't throw things, I tend to wring my hands and crick my fingers.

    My ex used to throw things and smash things, this is obviously really destructive, he read an anger management book which suggested throwing a small foam ball at the floor. It didn't work for him but maybe you could try something similar.

  18. I simply personicate.

  19. I used to before i went to see a physiologist to control my anger.

  20. Yeah sometimes when I get really angry though and I become much frustrated I'll throw things around or kick the door or something. I've been doing it ever since I could remember.  

  21. The one thing that makes me most angry is refolding a newspaper. So I just yell at whoever talks to me when I'm in the process of folding. If I'm, like, super hero mad, I'll lock my bedroom door and have a very quiet tantrum. Just go INSANE without making any noise.

  22. No, because I'm not three years old anymore.

  23. I get angry when people are very stuborn and keep on saying that I was wrong. I ll **** them into their face. I don't smash things..... it is only for those weak ladies, smashing things is to ease their stress in the body. Smashing things are throwing money. To me now, I control my temper and no need to challenge yourself, otherwise you can get sick easily.  

  24. Have done, but then end up tidying it all up and feeling sorry for myself. I usually get crying anger - not cool.

  25. My husband punched the door! As for me i would normally keep silent and ignore everybody no matter who you are, no matter what happens around sometimes throughout the day till i calm down.

  26. not me personally, but my husband has broken quite a few cell phones...knocked the panel completely off the door in the car...put a few dents in inanimate objects...the list goes on and on...some people are just hot heads.

  27. nope, i do tht sometimes too. but normally i just cry it out. especially with the fact that i have a brther, the control of not smashing things comes in  handy

  28. I used to smash things but I have stopped. I found out that there was no point really.

  29. I dont do anything I just bottle it up. But I would say smashing things is better cause you let your emotions out. Try screaming into your pillow or just trying to comfort yourself. Sit by yourself when your angry, close your eyes and just take deep breathes. Try to exhale all of your anger. You'll feel better and wont have to deal with the guilt of smashing stuff.

  30. I don't. You just have to find a substitute, such as throwing a pillow or something.  

  31. On occasion.

    I punched a hole in my wall though and i have hurt my hands and wrists.

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