
When you get booster shots, do you get a fever afterwards? What other stuff would you feel after the shot?

by Guest34401  |  earlier

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And where is it best to be injected so that you'll feel the least of pain. The arm? The leg? The butt? Anywhere else?




  1. You start to feel about having a fever and you start to get dizzy and tired

  2. Yes you can get a fever because your immune system is beginning to recognise that something "foreign" is in your body. This is not very common though. You can also get a rash or mild inflammation around the site of injection. Rarely the reactions can be more serious but this is very uncommon. The likelihood of you having a reaction depends on what the vaccine is, not all vaccines are likely to cause irritation.

    If you are given a choice for your injection, choose a surface which does not come into contact with anything often. The arm is the best place, but if you sleep on your side this could be a problem.

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