
When you get call backs??

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okay....just wondering, my mind trailed off for a little. i was wondering when you audition for the first time and get in....what ussaully happens in call backs? thwey hand you a script?? do they require you to memorize something?? do they tell you to dance on your head??





  1. It depends on the director.  However, usually you will read part of the script (called a "side") usually with others that have been called back but in some cases the side could be a monologue (this happens frequently with classical plays like the Greeks and Shakespeare).  You are never required to memorize something and you SHOULD NOT try to, this is actually looked down upon because the director assumes you will be too set in your own interpretation of the part and won't able to take direction.  (I should know I am studying to be a stage director myself).  You are usually given the sides ahead of time so you can look over them and make a strong choice in how you will portray the character you have been asked to read for.  There may be a movement/dance part of the callback as well but the director or someone will notify you in advance of this because it means you'll need to bring clothes you can move/dance in.

  2. What a silly question. LOL.

    When you are called back, you will be given a role to read out.  Then the Director will call you back after he looks at the other call backs.

    This is kind of like an interview.

  3. Answer 1 and 2 offer valid suggestions, but since WE have no clue as to the context of the piece, or the scope of the original auditions, we can hardly assume you'll be in a line with others called back for any same part, or any general, non Principle part. Certainly depending on the scope, YOU may be the Chosen One?

       If you've been called and it's a decent operation, you should be alerted as to WHY you got the call back. Depending again, on your initial audition, the piece, the scope of the production, and time frames involved, you will likely be given VERY SPECIFIC direction as to what you're required to do.

       IF you were called back for a specific part, then you'll likely be asked to do a READ, for that part. If the part happens to include singing or dancing, etc. you should expect you'll be asked to do those as well. If the part includes dancing on ones head, then you might assume you might be asked to. I want to assume NO ONE auditions without cause, or some rationale about a part they want, and accepts all inclusions of the part.

       Still, WE have no idea of the what, why, where, when, so our suggestions will be generalized

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