
When you get in a fight in highschool does it matter who threw the first punch?

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Alright, dont lecture me about getting in fights and how its completley avoidable. I know it is and im not gonna start a fight, but in terms of suspension does it matter who threw the first punch? Like i know you both get suspended a.s.a.p but im saying does it matter if like, he pushes me and i know were gonna fight just now, so i throw the first punch? instead of letting him and possibly gettin knocked out.




  1. I just got out of high school last year and in my time there, I saw a pretty good amount of fights.  And every time, both people got suspended for the same amount of time, unless one person pulled out a knife or something like that.  The only other time is if one person did absolutely nothing back, then that person would not get in trouble.  There is that whole "zero-tolerance" thing, so the majority of the time, they treat it as if the both of you were the ones who started it, which to me is bu!!S**t because, unless you're Gandhi or you're on probation, then there is no way that you're just going to let someone punch you and not do anything back.

  2. U should definitly use yer judgement if u know this guy means u harm. However in school its kinda iffy cuz alot of times da teachers will see whut they think or thought they saw and not how it all started. Some teachers don't understand what happens to kids credability for just taking a shot possibly getting knocked out in front of their peers. They say walk away but as u and I know somethings r't avoidable. I alwayz out talked or use my witts to avoid fights. If all else fail schedual a fight were u can avoid grown ups and still be able to handle yer bizness lolz. Bottom line is u never back down when fired upon ya digg.

  3. The teacher only saw me bashing the other person.

    That is the story the other person told to the Vice Principal also.

    So I said "OK why do I have a bloody lip".

    I think he caught on but I was still suspended for 3 days.

  4. Well, this is rather a question of law than of boxing. In general the man who throws the first punch is the aggressor and so would be liable in a legal point of view. In some cases there can be a justification of throwing the first punch, but that would be hard to proof and is nearly never the case in a school fight.

    But the administration of any school is not interested in questions of legal liability but only in the prevention of fights in general. So the punishment will always apply to both fighters.

  5. no. it doesnt matter who threw the first punch. ive had my fair share of fights in high school and usually when youre caught, it doesnt matter who threw the first punch. the punishment is usually for both, and the greater one is usually meted out, not to the one who threw the first one, but to the one who dealt the more severe damage.

    there was a time that i was provoked to a fight which ended up with him having a concussion ( i did more than punching), he threw the first punch, but i dealt the greater damage (all i got was a busted lip), so he was suspended 2 days, i got 5!

  6. both of you are gonna get suspended anyway so u might as well throw the first punch and avoid gettin knocked down. As for your parents, that's a different story that I can't help u with!

  7. no

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