
When you get lasik eye surgery what does it look like at the time it is happening?

by  |  earlier

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I am going next week and am nervous even though the procedure is short. I just want to know what you are seeing when the laser hits your eye




  1. dont worry, i had it done 8 years ago. you will maybe smell something kinda burning smell thats ok. also you will see light and for a second or so dark grey. you will be fine, all that you see hear or smell it totaly normal. feel free to ask the dr what to expect before you go in. all you need to worry about is staying still and calm and you will love the results. also there is no pain. afterwards you may feel discomfort, nothing to even worry about. good luck to you  

  2. hey...this isnt really an answer to your question seeing as how I still wear glasses... but I was watching "How It's Made" on the Science channel the other night and they did a segment on laser eye surgery and showed the entire process. It was interesting and so fast. Here is a link to watch it...

  3. you will lie down , face will be covered , have drops in ur eyes [ a lil cold ] , feel some pressure on ur eye , hear something going on , stare at a red light while u smell something burning and hear a machine , then everything stops and the other eye is done .

    just don't worry .

  4. They put eyedrops in your eyes to numb them, they put metal in your eye to keep it open, it's uncomfortable but it doesn't hurt.  The put something on the eye that sucks to is so you can't move it.  They tell you to look at the red light.  When the knife that cuts the flap goes over your eye, your vision goes black for a fraction of a second and then you see the red light again.  While the laser is working, you see the red light changing like it's becoming clearer, coming closer, moving away again.  You smell a bit of burning like burning hair or something.  Then it's over and they put eye drops in your eye and do the other one.

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