
When you get older does your?

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does your vertical get higher as you grow or does it stay the same. and i dont mean until like your forty i mean does it get higher until the end of puberty?




  1. the taller you get, the higher you jump. and the stronger your calf muscles are, the more power you have coming off the ground. so you really dont even have to be tall, just excersize your calf muscles weekly

  2. You can jump higher just like you get stronger. The healthier you are and the more you work out, the better it will get. And vice versa, if you become morbidly obese in your teens then your vertical will most definitely go down.

  3. It gets higher, considering your muscles and power will dramatically increse during puberty, especially if your training

  4. People who say the taller you get the higher you jump -,- if you get taller your obviously gonna be able to touch the net higher then you could shorter, but anyways yes your vert will get higher if you have good weight and practice. if you want to jump higher just work out on your legs and it'll get higher. Go to a local gym and ask for a workout from it it'll probably cost $25 a month but it's worth becoming a better baller

  5. if u keep playing ya but iff u stop it doesnt

  6. no when your old you get less jump (no offense to other readers) they say when your at 28 thats your prime

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