
When you get out of prison and your on parole can you move?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend is in cause of violating his parole .. he will home soon. I want to move to orgeon. he is on parole for 1year. how can we go?? dose he have to stay in arizona for the whole year. thank you..




  1. Since he has already violated his parole once, he doesn't sound like a good risk for getting permission to move out of state.  The only thing to do is talk to his parole officer & do as he/she says, no more violating parole.  You may have to stay for the year, but that's better than seeing him return to prison just because you want to move!  If you really care for this person, you will do all that you can to see that he stays on the right path, not make demands that could jeopardize his parole, again.  The next time he breaks parole, he will serve more than a year!

  2. depends on the definition of his parole which is affected by his charges. if it's petty he'll have to go through paperwork and possibly a court appearance to do it.

  3. You Can only move out of state if the judge allows it.

  4. Arizona will have to approve his transfer to Oregon, and Probation/Parole in Oregon will have to agree to accept him.

    This is pretty much a formaility, except that you'll need a better reason than "my girlfriend wants to move to Oregon"

    At the least he'll need to have a job waiting, and a place to live ready.

  5. give the cops donuts

  6. He can if he gets permission to. All he has to do is file some papers and get approval, then they transfer his parole to the place he moves to.

  7. He needs approval from the parole board.

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