
When you get transferred to another group, how does that work?

by Guest56846  |  earlier

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Like say you are given orders to fight with this smaller army squad. You get on an airplane or helicopter and get transported to the new firebase. How do you find your new squad? In my story the guy is getting transferred from one LRRP to a new one in Cambodia. Thanks all!




  1. They are expecting him. They have a low ranking guy from the squad waiting for him at the helipad and escort him back to the unit. That is how it worked when my buddy was airlifted from one ship to another. He was escorted to the heli, then when he landed they took him to his XO. Hope this helps.

  2. I assume that we are talking Vietnam war here.

    I agree with Bobby L.

    You did not say what this persons rank was or why he was transferred. It tended to make a difference.

    If he was and E-4 or lower in rank, he probably would have traveled by going back up the chain of command and then down it to his new unit.

    And, as happened to lower rank people, each stop along the way, he would have been assigned to do one of the jobs that no one wants to do for as long as the local folks could get away with it. Typically, this would include things like burning the contents of the drums from under the latrines or filling sand bags.

    A low ranking guy in transit tended to be fair game.

    If he was on someones list of undesirables, things could be expected to be worse.

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