
When you get your first apartment, how do you purchase your groceries? (Read to details for more info)

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What I mean is, do you buy bulk food at like Sams Club or BJ's. Or do you go shopping here and there? Also, what do you think is most important to buy when first moving into an apartment?




  1. when my husband and i got married , our first shopping day was the main grogery items ,   bread , lunch meat , drinks , milk , cereal .  and as time went on we realized what else was needed .   one thing that was forgotten alot was laundry soap and dish soap , but we cought on .    since its an apartment im sure you will want cleaning supplys , like mop , bucket , windex , lysol and things like that to get your new home all fresh .   have fun .. its exciting getting your own place

  2. If it is just yourself, it may not make sense to buy bulk food, as things spoil & you may not have enough room for storage. You will shop here & there & get a routine. If you are lucky enough to have a farmer's market, go for that. Ask your new neighbors or the management co where the best place to shop is.

  3. First thing to get is a bed! Then a TV if you are a tv junky. Some of these things can be hand me downs from relatives or friends so don't go buying anything new and expensive....unless that is of course you can afford it and not break the bank or your 6 mths living expenses emergency funds. is a good sight to get furniture on the cheap.

    I found out that if its only one person in the apartment, buying in bulk is wasteful because you will only cook so many times a week so the perishable groceries will not last that long. The only things to get in bulk are supplies like toilet paper, paper towels, your favorite canned foods. I wouldn't advice paying the membership fee on Sams club or anywhere else since you can get all these stuff from Walmart or the dollar stores.

    Use the first few months to track your expenses and how long your stuff lasts so that you can buy it before it rans out and save you midnight or frequent trips to the store. Enjoy your space!!!

  4. Figure out a budget for yourself. You can save money buying somethings in bulk like at Sam's Club. But others things would most likely spoil before you were able to use them if you live alone. Making a budget will help you make a decision as to how you should be shopping and if you have any money left over at the end of the month for savings. Congratz on your new home!

  5. Budget!

    I did a mix- I used BJ's for things I need in bulk- like toilet paper, paper towels and meat- things that I could freeze.  Then I did the sales at superfresh for rest.  Basically if you have a lot of space- you can do can goods and tomatoe sauce and that type of stuff wholesale and cheaper.  I also buy a ton of cercal in bulk from bj's on coupons.

    Coupons are your best friend!

    Best way to start- is buy used- dishes, funiture, bedding- get it from friends, family, goodwill.  Ask people you know- we all have junk in our attics and crawl spaces.  Never buy anything NEW unless you have the money saved and HAVE to.  Don't blow hundreds of dollars at Ikea when that plaid orange sofa that cost $20 from goodwill will do.

    Bed- check out stores like the dump and even goodwill new beds for donations from stores!!!

    TV- you can get a used one cheap right now with everyone going flat screen and just get your converter box coupon and you'll be set!

  6. The first things to stock up on are all of the staples: flour, salt, pasta, pasta sauce, rice, herbs & spices, coffee, tea, condiments, etc. -- all the things used routinely in cooking a meal, baking (if you do that, and if you don't, you are wasting half or more of your grocery/baked goods money).  Then get a week's worth of fresh fruits & veggies, eggs, milk.

    If you live alone, bulk food is a bad deal.  Too much at once wrecks the budget and you have no space to store so much, even if you can use it all before it spoils.  Go to WalMart -- the prices are not much different from Sam's Club.

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