
When you give out advise does it come more from you caring or you being judgmental?

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When you give out advise does it come more from you caring or you being judgmental?




  1. I give advice because i care.. I only answer the ones i have a personal experience with... I give the best advice i can in hopes that when i ask a question someone does the same for me, cause i know people can be mean sometimes..

  2. I judge no one.

    I'm a pretty messed up guy myself so I have no right to judge anyone.

    Every little piece of advice I give comes from my experience and hard learned lessons.  I wouldn't wish my life and it's history on my worst enemy.  So yes, everything I give in the form of advice is of genuine concern.  I have learned how it's done wrong and how it's done right.  I want other people to learn from my mistakes.  If one person doesn't go through what I have as a result of me helping them do it right, then going through what I have was worth it.

  3. Depending on the situation in which I am giving advice it's a little of both I guess.  I don't mean to be judgmental but I guess in all honesty I sometimes am.  Never in a negative way like some people.  I just say what I believe and if the person still disagrees or decides to go in a different direction I give up.  I am not pushy when it come to giving advice.

  4. For me it always comes from me caring. I think answerers who come from a place of judgment and condemnation are very rude and have no reason to be hurtful or condescending to a stranger.

    So even if some of my answers sound a bit gruff, they come from a place of pure love and caring and a desire to help. Always. :-)

  5. When I give advice it's to the best of my knowledge because I want to help the person asking the question.  The only time it's more judgmental is when the question is ridiculous and the person asking the question is clearly trying to stir up trouble.

  6. It comes more from me caring. I'm only judging what the person has told me and I try to give a better solution to whatever it is they're going through.

  7. Personally I do it out of willingness to help and, of course, caring. Sometimes you are the one giving the advice and some other times you are the one receiving, in which case it is always good to hear someone that cares for you and wants you to make the right choices.  

  8. It depends on the situation in which I'm giving advise. It tends to be more on the caring side than the judgmental side though!

  9. depends on the persons question or statement!

    Most of the time I offer my opinion or advice from a caring heart. but other times when a persons inquiry is so obviously stupid I just cant help myself and cave into my rude side.

    Hey, just being 100% honest here

  10. I can't really say if its either or it just depends on the question. I mean some people are really looking for answers and I try to help them as much as I can.

    On the other hand, there are stupid people that ask dumb questions and they're going to be answered accordingly.

    Like this senario.

    There is a 18 yr old asking how she can break up a family because she likes her male neighbor and wants him all to herself. She asks not to be judgmental and persist she's not a home wrecker because his kids are 19 and 20-something. In this situation I would be blunt and sarcastic maybe even intentionally rude.

    But with a question like yours, where you need an honest answer I give you one and hope I helped you enough then go on my merry way.

  11. Most of the time, it comes from a desire to help, if I can... Occasionally, though, if I've just seen it asked too much, or if it's obviously troll-like, I can lose my patience, and be less-than-civil. :) (Plus, pregnancy hormones can get the better of me, at times.)

    But, two things I don't like, are:

    1.) When someone DEMANDS you answer them.

    2.) When people only ask a question, cause they want to hear what they want to hear, and they, themselves, are not tolerant to their responder's opinions... And, then they give you a thumbs-down!  

  12. It completely depends on the issue.

    I can go either way, although I do try to be as non-judgemental as possible.

    A lot of times, people have a hard time dealing with constructive criticism.

  13. caring

  14. I care far too much to judge anyone, no one is perfect.

  15. It depends on the question. Some are so ridiculous they aren't worth answering.

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