
When you go ice skating, are you supposed to wear gloves on your hands? Pro's/Con's?

by Guest34454  |  earlier

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When you go ice skating, are you supposed to wear gloves on your hands? Pro's/Con's?




  1. Gloves are highly recommended!!!


    **Keeps your hands warm (and they do freeze easily).

    **Protects your hands in case you fall on them (hands on ice can actually hurt!)

    **There's plenty of colors available to match your outfit if that is a concern.  


    **If you wear those knit ones (not waterproof), they could get wet from a fall - and the wetness will make the hands freeze.  So if you will be wearing a knit pair, bring another pair just in case!  

    I say better to be safe than sorry.  I personally hate skating with frozen fingers.  Bring your gloves along with you . . . whatever you finally decide, at least they'll be there for you when you want them.  

    Happy skating (stay warm!)!!  :)

  2. I am not a pro, I just skate for fun:

    Skaters wear gloves because they will get cold hands if they don't.

    Some skaters don't.....I think that they don't wear gloves because they might think that gloves make them look un-professional. ..

    Anyways,I hope I answered your question! :D


  3. Only if you want to.

  4. Yes.

    Wearing gloves

    Pros: keeps your hands warm

              Protects them (like if you fall)

    Cons: sometimes they will get sweaty but only if its like 50 degrees in there.

  5. I always wear gloves when I go skating, and not to keep my hands warm! I wear them more to protect my hands when I fall. Ice, especially when it gets rough toward the end of a session, can really hurt the hands!

    pros: they will keep your hands warm until you warm up, they will protect your hands from the hard, rough ice, they can look really cute when put together right with your outfit, and I have known people to use them to hold kleenex in for those drippy nose situations (hard core skaters don't like to leave the ice for anything!)

    cons: I can't really think of any, unless you have really bulky gloves that will be awkward, or if you are skating outside you will want waterproof gloves so they don't get soaked and freeze your hands, but overall I think it is a great idea to wear gloves! (although in competition/shows, it doesn't look as nice, so I would avoid it then - plus hopefully then you won't be falling)

  6. It is a good idea to wear gloves when your skates to help keep your hands warm, and has added protection for your hands. You hands often times get cold without wearing gloves, and getting up off of the ice after you fall can be a pain without gloves. It is optional to wear gloves when you skate, but it is a good idea to wear at least a pair of knit gloves.

  7. i used 2 not use gloves but then i got into the axle and doubles and so i started using them 4 when i fell

    so idk u can if u want?

  8. I am a figure skater and when I skate I wear gloves because if you ever fall and someone skated over your finger at least that you have some protection and it will keep your hands warm.

  9. most people do


    obviously, your hands would get cold if you didn't

    also if you fall it hurts your hands without gloves


    sometimes they dont look good for competitions so its fine then not to wear them then but for everyday skating i definitely recommend them

  10. Pro's:

    - keep your hands warm

    - choose interesting colours to suit your personality :D

    - save your hands from scratches and freezer burn if ya fall

    - can give you confidence (just feels nicer and i know it helps with saving my hands :P)


    - get smelly after a while, so wash them regularly

    - can look odd or out of place with some costumes

    - woollen ones can start to felt and shrink if they get wet.

    but over all i think its a really good idea to wear them. tis up to you really, different people different preferances.

    Happy Skating!!

  11. I always wear gloves, except for testing and competition.


    -warm hands!!

    -your hands won't get ice burn when you fall

    -protects your fingers when you do catch-foot spirals or biellmanns

    -keeps dirt, grime, etc. off your hands when you fall or go to put your guards on (my white gloves are filthy)

    -you can wear two different colors to help remind you which hand should be where on turns, etc.

    -you can tuck tissues into them


    -hard to get used to not wearing gloves when you compete or test

  12. i would definitely recommend gloves

    ever heard of an ice burn? yeah it hurts like crazy when i started doing double jumps i started falling a lot and my hands looked like raw hamburger meat (yeah disgusting i know) and they hurt everytime i did anything like grip a pencil or take a shower etc.

    also they keep your hands warm which is always an upside.

    but if your gloves aren't waterproof and you do happen to get them wet it'll be a lot colder than without gloves

    also they get kinda smelly lol

  13. pros:

    warm hands


    cold hands

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