
When you go in a pub do you want an attractive barmaid?

by Guest56214  |  earlier

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mainly for guys I suppose, but when you go in a pub or bar do you like to see an attractive barmaid or are you not fussed as long as you get a drink?




  1. Well if I owned the bar and she brought in a lot of male patrons, then sure! But I've also seen a lot of guys go for average looking girls who are witty and funny just as much, if not more so than pretty ones who have nothing but themselves to talk about.

  2. i wont leave the bar if so !!

  3. Well now don't you think that after a few beers all barmaids become attractive! haha

  4. As long as you get served it doesn't really matter. Of course you prefer a bit of eye candy, but that's just a bonus!

  5. If some dude's pouring my drinks it doesn't really bother me, but when it's a cute girl it's an added bonus. In the end though, I'd honestly probably tip both about the same (assuming both were efficient and friendly) and it likely wouldn't determine if I were to visit one bar or another.

  6. personally,  I like attractive cocktail waitresses.  I prefer a male bartender over a girl, because I get served faster by a guy, better all around service, and a guy controll a bar alot better than a woman can.

    honestly.,,if theres a problem in the bar, say a fight for instance, do you want a little 100lb girl with a nice *** trying to break it up, or would you prefer someone who carries a little bit of authority??

    Frankly I'm a little concerned with the trend towards hiring all female staff behind the bar these days.  girls just don't have a comand presence behind the bar, their easily intimitated, and are pretty much much helpless in a rough situation.

  7. I actually don't care as long as they don't have some of physical deformity or hygienic issue that makes me cringe at the thought of drinking from something they've touched.

  8. Not important, what I like to see is prompt and efficient service but all to often you find a lot of pubs have staff who pretend not to see you.  

  9. hey,  i want the attractive barmaid when i leave the pub, not when i go into the pub

  10. I'm not fussed because I'll be with someone.

    If I were single, it might be nice, but I still would be mainly interested in my friends and my drink. In fact, I don't care if she's ugly as sin if she's efficient and can remember drink orders.

  11. I'm not going to is nice.

    But personally...I'd take an ugly bartender that knows her beer and is friendly any day.

    Best of both worlds...beautiful and knows the difference between an ale and a lager, a witbier and a heffeweizen, a stout and a porter...don't know if I'd ever leave.

  12. Gimme drink. If she (or he) is a looker, okay. If not, okay. Gimme drink!

  13. An attractive barmaid is always a nice bonus, but it's not necessary for a satisfactory drinking experience.

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