
When you go out on the p**s, do u only bring as much money as you are willing to "sacrifice"?

by  |  earlier

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and take for granted what ever amount you take out with you you wont have in the morning? my bf is moaning he has no money left from last night, i told him not to be stupid and only take out the money hes willing to spend.




  1. Yep, I usually budget a certain amount and don't go above it-unless there is need for an emergency taxi home. But to be completely honest, it doesn't always stop me moaning either, while it's good fun at the time, when you are at home in the morning with a hangover looking **** faced, you do wonder, why the h**l did I spend that much money to feel so c**p! :P

  2. I start off with good intentions when I'm getting ready to go out,  but always end up  taking  a bit extra and always spend everything in my purse

  3. I do now, but I have been in your boyfriends position many times.

  4. If he is a real drunk like me he will take it all with him and bring none of it back.

    W.C. Fields, an actor known for his drinking episodes; was quoted asking a bartender the morning after, "Did I spend $20.00 in here last night?"

    The bartender replied that he did.

    "Boy! That's a relief.  I was afraid I had lost it."

    If that is the case; go to an al-anon meeting and learn how to deal with him.  They are in the telephone book under Alcoholics Anonymous

  5. i used to take out 80 quid just in case but always come home skint. can never work out where it goes .  

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