
When you go out to eat, what is your biggest pet peeve that a server does or doesn't do?

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Mine is if they assume a tip and ask if you need change. Just bring the change! If a guest is " all set " they will let you know.




  1. As a waitress I have a few pet peeves with guest.  #1 someone who claims to heve been in the industry and sits down to have a cup of hot cocoa at a table meant for dining  also I have never heard of free refills on hot cocoa.  #2  is when you stay for a long time after you've finished hey I understand you want to relax but when you see that the place is busy have consideration.  #3 When you come to a seafood restaurant and say.. I'm allergic to fish.  #4 When you ask me if this is a good item, and then say... you wouldn't lie to me.  #5 When you ask for decaf coffee, I bring you decaf and you say.. this is decaf you're sure.  #6 When you offer to pay the entire check for the table, and then you leave a less then 15 % tip and say on the way out.. everything was great.  #7 When you try to make up your own menu.  #8 When you get my attention by saying.. hey you.  #9 A large party, and you all want seperate checks.  #10 You come in with small kids, and then expect me to provide toys and games and complimentary crackers, and you know that you're the parent that lets your kids l**k salt shakers, rip open sugar packets, and let your kids run around.  #11 You ask for 5 rounds of bread ( it is free) after you've said.. I'm just going to have soup I'm not that hungry.  #12  When you say to me.. we're sharing the N.Y. strip can you cook one half rare the other well.  #13 Happy hour is over by 15 minutes and you still want 2for1's because your friends at the table arrived there an hour ago.  My point is that we have the most stressful job behind law enforcement and healthcare.  Sometimes we can't always give you as good service as you or we would really like.  Our duties are food running, getting orders, explaining alot of menu items to guest, bussing tables, damage control, side work, getting cursed at by the boss and lets not forget getting 10 refills to that guy sitting at the other table.  Somethings we have to do because it's policy like asking if you need change.  You know some guest like for you to ask just so that they can say..thank you great service keep the change.  I encourage everyone who complains about restaurant workers to do a little time in the industry.  If you can do it better then good for you.  More then likely though you're going to have a huge change of heart.

  2. When they don't bring drinks or take your order for a half an hour

  3. I've was a  waitress for a number of years, so when I go out to eat I'm quite picky about service... most people say "I always tip cuz I know what its like"  I disagree.  I know what its like, its your job, tips are not required, and if you give me bad service you will not get tipped.  

    My biggest pet peive is similar to yours, at a Restaurant/steakhouse/bar here in AZ   the waitresses automatically keep the change.  They dont even ask if you want it, they just dont bring it to you.  

    Other than that its being ignored or argued with.  I went to a very popular restaurant, that I used to work at (not same location) and my guy and I ordered hot chocolates, thats it.  But we were planning on having a few refills and talking right.  Well Refills on Hotchoc are free there but  the waitress ignored us for a half hour before my guy asked for a manager.  When confronted the waitress said, "well you have to pay for refills, thats why i didnt come by."   Um even if that were true, you should still check on us right?"  Needless to say, she did not get a tip.

  4. i dont like when they take their time getting your drinks or bringing your food.  i do like it tho when they come back to your table more than once after you get the food and see if you need a refill or somethin.

  5. waiter or watress not answeing you right away.and getting bad attitudes because they have a bad day.

  6. when they stalk me waiting for me to pay the bill.  stop watching me like a hawk!

  7. I need to have my drink filled at all times, i cant continue eating unless i have something to drink. I dont care about tips or anything else, give me my soda.

  8. Pours your tea/water without picking up the glass away/off the table. I hate having a waiters/ess arm in my face while dining.

  9. once when me and my family went to a resturaunt, it was completely empty so we got EXCELLENT service, but ALL waiters just stood their and watched us eat like they had nothing better to do. they did this the entire time, it was so least know i know never to go to an empty resturaunt im outty.peace.

  10. Mine is if they dont refill your drink and your stuck there with am empty cup

  11. I just went out last night and the waitress didnt bring my appetizer..She brung the salad but not my appetizer. I wanted my stuffed mushrooms.

  12. When they wait until you've got a mouth full of food, then walk back and go, "so... how is everything?"

  13. not giving me a straw. its sooo gross to drink from restaurant cups

  14. Ditto on that.

    That is the exact thing I was going to say. The waiter that I had for lunch at Red Lobster was doing that to me.

    Trying to look at me like a little puppy in a window.

    Geez you get paid to do your job! Why do they need tips? I DONT GET TIPPED AT MY JOB!

  15. yeah that's definiatly one of them, another is when they see you have toddlers and dont offer crackers or something for them to munch on. then when you ask they take forever to bring them.

  16. my biggest pet peeve is when the server does not keep my tea glass full

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