
When you go to a public bathroom do you sit on the toilet??

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or put paper or something? im just wondering because im pregnant and i always sit and im scared that i could get an infection or something.. ????




  1. I usually wipe it a bit and then sit. There are actually no infections that you can get from using a public toilet. In the US our water is treated so some parasites or bacteria that can live in less sanitary conditions do not exist here. I say go ahead and sit on it

  2. I never sit on an uncovered public toilet seat, regardless of how clean it "looks". If there is no available sanitary cover then I hoover over it to pee (great thigh workout :).

    Check out this article-

  3. i never sit on a public toilets any way, i put paper down so i would start doing that if i was you as public toilets are not always clean  

  4. h**l no.

    I use some hand soap before I go into the stall and wipe it down.

    If I'm not convinced it's clean yet, I'll put toilet paper down.

    They did a study that said most toilets don't carry anything to worry about, even if you do get someone else's poo on you, just wipe it off.

    But man that would freak me out, I'm kind of a germ freak.

  5. Well i got an STD from a TOILET seat and now i take whipes with me and use toilet paper to cover it. I got it from my work place at a day care and so did 2 other people, some chick rubbed her $hit all over it and all it takes is for you to sit on it and it touch your v****a. And i was a virgin no SEXUAL CONTACT so dont even

  6. You will not get an infection. I try to squat but sometimes I get lazy and sit. I've never ever gotten an infection. If you are really worried either squat or cover it with that paper provided in the restrooms.

  7. I put a toilet seat cover on the seat.  And if there isn't any covers, I just squat over the seat, so my body doesn't touch the seat.

  8. no way i put the sheet down and squat. Hands only touch toilet and definetly wash thouroughly.

  9. i would never, never, never!!!! sit on a public toilet seat, yuk!!!! the amount of germs on those things, people even pee on them, its so gross, i just hover lol, i wouldn't even trust putting paper on the seat and sitting on that. and when i flush and lock/unlock the door i put tissue in my hand so i don't have to touch anything! maybe that a bit OTT but i hate public toilets. i haven't been pregnant yet so i don't know how easy hovering would be instead of sitting because of the HUGE belly, but ill cross that bridge when it comes. for you i wouldn't sit on it just to be safe or at least put paper on the seat first.

  10. If there are a couple drops on the seat, I'd wipe them off.  Otherwise, I sit down straight away.  It's not like you're placing your genitalia on the seats; it's the back of your upper thighs.  The chances of getting an infection are probably much higher by handle of the stall door (remember they haven't washed hands yet), then by sitting on an apparently clean toilet seat.  Don't worry about it.

  11. no,i never sit on the seat , you can get  and infection, my grandmother did once, she had alot of bumps around that area from that  

  12. There are NO infections that will live on a clean, dry toilet seat and penetrate the intact skin of your legs.

    If the seat is wet/dirty, try a different stall. Otherwise, you are perfectly safe to sit down.  

  13. i always put paper down or hold myself up

  14. I used to not sit directly on the toilet, but when you're big pregnant its hard not to.  I decided to go ahead and sit as long as the seat looks dry and clean.  I've heard we contract many more germs by touching stuff with our hands than sitting on toilet seats.  I still think about it every time I sit, though. :-)

  15. I always put paper down. You don't know what could be on the seat.

  16. Depends if the bathroom is clean i sit but if not so i wipe off the seat and sit on paper towles better safe then sorry i always say!

  17. no i dont want any one elses crabs

  18. I either squat or I put paper or a toilet seat cover on the toilet. You never know what kinds of germs could be on that seat.

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