
When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer that it be crowded, or empty?

by  |  earlier

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...and why? I have a good reason for asking this question.

Just want to see if many of you concur.




  1. It depend what the occasion is for dining out. If it is a romantic event, than a quite corner in a not too crowded place I would recommend. If it is a dining out on a larger scale, a crowded place is better. More to see and more to hear and having the chance to see and be seen..............

  2. i prefer it to be empty less of a wait and less agravation all together

  3. It depends what mood your in and the occassion. I actually prefer quality of food, service & ambiance.

  4. I'd prefer it to be empty, then the staff won't be busy rushing about and the service shouldn't take too long.

  5. crowded so i know the food is good and everyone wants to eat it

  6. Can we only choose between the two?

    I'd rather there be a few people but not totally crowded unless i'm at a group function.

  7. My dad always wants to go somewhere where there are alot of cars in the lot.  That's how he judges a good restaurant.  If there aren't a lot of people there it must not be good.  Now I do the same thing.  It's usually worth the wait!!

  8. Its situational..

    Depends on the mood I guess...

  9. i hate it when it's crowded because you sometimes have to be handed that thing that lights up. you have to wait anywhere from 45mins to 3 hours [yes i have heard of this before and my mom decided not to eat there] i hate it if you even have to wait 30 mins when im really hungry i mean even if it's empty you still have to wait 20 mins or so to eat while they cook your food. when it's growded you have to wait long periods of time jsut to be seated plus when your finally seated you have to wait 20-30 mins to eat your food. so if your starving and really hungry your not gonna wanna go to a crowded restaraunt and wait 45mins-3 hours to eat something that probally isn't really going to fill you up anyways. you will msot likely be liek forget this leave and go some other place that is less crowded.

  10. I don't like it to be so empty that it's creepy, but I'd prefer less people in a restaurant than more.  I don't like to scream in order to talk to my dining companions, and I don't want to feel like the server is incredibly busy and stressed. I think when there are less people, there is a more intimate, quaint feeling.

  11. with friends, the louder the better as to lend to general good atmosphere of going out with them. With  a significant or almost significant other as quite as can be so you can actually talk. Who wants a mad house when your trying to get to know a person?

  12. I like to go to a restaurant that I am familiar with, on an off hour, and have it empty.  I think you might be thinking that if it is empty, it is not a good restaurant, or the food does not move that quickly.  10 pts? :)

  13. I have been in very crowded restaurants, and it was just to noisy, we left with a headache, and the food may have been fresh, the selection was not to our satisfaction , I would not go back there again. Specially at lunch time ,I like to go a little late, like after the rush is over,1:30 -2PM then we can take our time to  select from the menu, and enjoy our conversation, and linger a while too. At that hour it is not crowded , the manager will also come to ask what we thought of the food and service we have had This is an enjoyable experience when eating out.

  14. Crowded - If I don't want to be bothered with a pesky waiter and just want to eat and leave.

    Empty - If I am taking my children (1 and 5yrs) and if I want to take my time.

  15. Crowded, that way I know my food will be fresh.=)

  16. I would prefer it to be empty....that way you can hear the server.

  17. Empty- Not only is it easier to get a table ;) It makes the atmosphere more enjoyable. Conversations flow smoother since you don't have to compete with added human static.

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