
When you go to high school do you have to know what you want be?

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well high school starts next week and i dont know what i want to be so will me not knowing have a effect on high school?




  1. No. You don't even need to know your college major you Freshman year of College. So not at all. You have time. Even then, you can switch majors. Then, you can get multiple jobs with certain majors.

  2. No, you don't have to decide until out of college but it does help if you do.

  3. well it would maybe help if you had an idea of what you wanted to be so you can schedule the approve classes. But it is not a big deal if you dont no what you wanna be people change their mind half way through collage all the time and you might wanna be a Doctor halfway through high school and maybe the second half of school you want to be a acountant

  4. you dont have to know right away. but you could think about it through your years of school

  5. i'm in high school, and i have it narrowed down. i want to do something in the business or medical fields. it's better if you do know, though, because then you can try to base your electives around it.

  6. Absolutly not. High school is a time for you to "find" yourself. Enjoy it, do good in school and have fun! =D

  7. No you're fine. Just kinda have an idea where you want to go to college, if you so choose. That way you will know which education track to go on. (Tech Prep/College Prep/etc.)

  8. I been outta high school for almost 10 years and i still change my mind

  9. I'm nearing retirement and on my 5th career.  Anyone who expects you to know what you want to do with your life when you're still a teenager has probably never been out in the real world.  Situations change, interests change, needs change.  Take classes that you like and that challenge you, and then see where life takes you.

  10. no you don't. i think its crazy how much pressure they out on us to know what we want to be. enjoy life. and have a wonderful rest of your day.

  11. You don't have to be 100% sure of what you want to be. It does however help to have some idea. These are the best years of your life right here. Do some different things such as clubs and internships at different places where you think your interested to get ideas. I know for me I was set on being an elementary teacher and once I started college I totally changed my plans. Set up an appointment with your guidance counselor he/she will help you get with your goals present and future. Hope I could help!

  12. I'm closing in on thirty and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

  13. No!  You aren't supposed to know right now -- you are supposed to be exploring the possibilities!

    There are a lot of people who graduate from college having no clue what they want to be when they grow up, so don't worry!

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