
When you go to high school orientation are you supposed to bring a parent or go by yourself?

by  |  earlier

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not like freshman day but like when you go get your schedule and stuff




  1. at my high school you can go by yourself

  2. It all depends on the school. The high school that my kids go to if you bring a parent with you then you can go in front of the line and you will be finished within 30 minutes. If you don't bring a parent then you have to wait in a long line and it will take longer. You will probably see some of your friends or make new ones in the line.

    Good luck.

  3. Depending on the school, no. Its better to go with friends. :) Not as boring!

  4. jus you

  5. i'd just go with some friends. i dont see why you would need your parent with you.  

  6. at my school, you can do both  

  7. At our school parents attend. Call you school to see how it works by you

  8. Call the school and ask just to be sure.

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