
When you go to the clinic for birth control pills what do the asked you? ?

by Guest57591  |  earlier

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i just wondering my mom taking me to clinic soon get birth control pills she know i had s*x i am almost 19 i only had s*x with my bf she know i did and i don't want her in room with me, what do they asked you and do to you while your there?




  1. Hi Chanelllynn,

    Your mom sounds like a great, responsible mom. More moms should take their daughters to get bc! You can ask your mom to stay in the waiting room while you're with the doctor. Get there a few minutes early so you can fill out the paperwork. The paperwork will ask you important, personal questions about your sexual habits and menstrual cycle. This gives them vital information that they need in order to give you the best care possible. It's all confidential.

    They will probably do a routine checkup (this is part of the responsibility of having s*x - using protection and getting regular checkups). This means that an assistant will take you to your private exam room, take your blood pressure and weight and will ask you to undress from the waist down and cover up with a paper robe after she leaves the room.

    When the doctor comes in, she will read your chart, greet you and ask you to lay down on the soft, padded table, put your feet in the loops and scoot your bootie to the very end of the table. She should explain everything she'd doing as she's doing it, usually. The exam will be over before you know it. She'll talk to you about your birth control needs and write you a prescription and that is that.

    Don't worry, it'll all be fine!

  2. they just ask if you're are sexually active, and how long have you been sexually active, etc.

  3. If your 19 you can go by your self, and if your still in school then your still under her insurance so just ask for her insurance card but they will give you a pap smear. Which is where they take a long q-tip and stick it up there and swish it around and check to see if you have any infection. Haha. Sounds horrible huh? and then they will ask if you are sexual active and thats pretty much it.

  4. First of all your Mom cant be in the room with you unless you give permission. For goodness sakesyou are 19! Unless,you have learning issues, are difficulty to understanding then I doubt she will be in there.

    They want to know about your periods,sexual history,if you smoke. They are going to give you a pap smear and instruct you on how totake the pills.

  5. Well, since you are sexually active they will perform a Pap Smear and maybe a culture (to screen for certain STDs). They will ask if you're having any probs, pain, menstrual irregularities, and of course, if you're sexually active. They shouldn't get too deep like asking how and where you have s*x.  

  6. I am a CCMA

    Are you sexually active?

    Is there a chance you could be pregnant

    They will preform a pregnancy test and they will do a Pap because you are sexually active

    Have you had an STD(s)

    Work in a clinic

  7. They're going to want to make sure you've had a pap smear and might take some blood to check you for STDs. They'll ask you what kind of birth control method you're interested in and if you have multiple s*x partners, etc. Things like that. Don't be embarassed! You don't have to have your mom in the room, either.

  8. they'll ask the same question

  9. If you don't want her in the room with you then she can't come in the room with you. They just  ask you a few question about s*x and smoking, and all of the other random questions they ask teenagers at the doctors. They will also ask about your menstrual cycle, whens the last time, is it regular, any abnormalities.

    Then they will do a pap smear and check if you're pregnant and then when they get the results they will prescribe the birth control.

    But definitely your mom does NOT have to be there with you. you are an adult and you make your own decisions. so maybe when they are checking your wait discuss with your doctor to ask your mom to leave so it's not a pressure that is put on you.

    Good Luck.

  10. Simple answer, tell your doc you want to go in alone. They have to do what you want. It a rule with patient confidentiality. Your mom can sit in the waiting room. You are 19 and an adult!

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