
When you go to the gym, what do you do?

by  |  earlier

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For example, how many minutes is your actual work out session

and how many minutes do you work in certain areas?

Like cardio? Resistance training? etc...




  1. 2 hours, i run the whole time.

  2. I do 30 minutes running on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. The only thing I know how to do is cardio. I really like running though. I'll be moving into the city soon and I can't wait to map out routes for running!

  3. I do the tredmill for about 40 minutes lose up to 300 calories then i go workout for another 30 minutes each day i work out different parts like chest,arms,legs,etc so prety much i stay for an hour  

  4. I have about 20 pounds to lose so I work out 5 days and week and I alternate between cardio and strength trainging. Every other day I do 30- 45 minutes of cardio (jogging, eliptical, kick-boxing).On the other days I work upper body (chest, back, biceps, triceps and shoulders) or lower body (glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves). I end most of my workouts with some ab exercises and stretches.

    I usually have 1 hour on the weekdays to workout before I have to get ready for work. On Saturday, I spend about 1.5 hours because I have the time (that includes sitting in the suana for 10 minutes).  

  5. work the arms because they are the most visible

  6. About 1-2 hours. I do 40..everything. Like lift w/e amount of wieghts 40 times in different styles to workout all parts of my arms. Then 40 situps, and different types. And I run not for a certain amount of time, just a mile. About 7 minutes.

    I forgot to add I play soccer for about and hour or two also before working out. Im just in the mood when im sweating already.

  7. basketball for 20-30 mins

    then i usually do the bike things or the treadmill for 10-15 mins

    then maybe some weights

  8. 45 minute is enough for workout.if u want to build muscle do weight lifting but if u want to lose fat do 30 minute cardio(running,cycling...)and 15 minute weight lifting.

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