
When you go to the toilet on a plane?

by  |  earlier

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where does it go can anyone tell me I'm having a debate about it lol thanks




  1. my guess:

    released in the skies and will eventually get destroyed or something because of the high pressure.

    i don't really know....

  2. i think it goes in a compartment and when the flight is over they empty it out idk lol

  3. im not sure but ive herd that they  dump it out and it disinigrates... but i doubt that...

    if not im pretty sure its just like a pota-potty where they just suk it out with a big hose thats connected to a big waste truck..

  4. It goes into a holding tank

  5. It's kept in a container like a porta-potty until the waste can be unloaded at an airport.

  6. em pretty sure it works just like a mobile trailer...

  7. i dont know you might have to search it on google. i know. where does it go?? anyways can u help me     and who ever reads this

  8. Its kept in a tank til you land and maintaince crews clean it out.  

  9. It get's sucked into a tank.  

  10. Years ago, when planes were getting too full of c**p, they'd literally just dump the entire load from the plane and let it drop to the surface.

    Mind you, they dump it about 30 thousand feet above ground, so the load just instantly freezes and plummets to Earth in one solid block.

    Fortunately they don't do that anymore, it just gets stored in a tank.

  11. It goes into a tank.  When the airplane pulls into the gate and gets "Lav service" then it is sucked out into a truck.  The water from the sinks on the other hand goes out a small hole in the bottom of the aircraft into the air.

  12. It will fall from the sky to ground so we should not see plane when it flies exactly overhead else u will become ..... what a super question.

  13. They filter the waste and recycle final product into your plane meal.

  14. it goes to a septic tank. every so often you hear about frozen septic tank contents crashing through peoples roofs of their homes because the pilot made a drunken error.

  15. It goes into a tank that is emptied between flights.  There have been instances, although rare, where the sewage has accidentally been released mid-flight.

  16. They have a tank for it, and when the plane has landed, the land crews will come with their tank truck and suck it off from the plane. What were you thinking, that they dump it mid air and land on someone's house? :P

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