
When you good, your always good.................?

by  |  earlier

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After reading this from Soup :

It got me thinking.

Out of all the retired riders, who do you think could still make a semi decent shot at their chosen world title????

They have to at least finish the title race in the top 50% of the runners.

My list would be :

Mick Doohan [ MotoGP ]

Tetsuya Harada [ 250cc ]

Kazuto Sakata [ 125cc ]

Scott Ru$$ell [ AMA ] (Scott is back riding I know )

Sir Carlos of Fogness [ W.S.B ]

Just a little fun, before the Spanish MotoGP question come in thick and fast !!




  1. Instead,my list would be:

    Barry Sheene

    Kevin Schwanz

    Carl Fogarty

  2. Hi wiggysan

    I'd love to see an in form Freddy Spencer race again. Some of the things he achieved and the people he beat to acheive them are incredible. I suppose its unrealistic to think he could still cut it in the top 50%, but the guy was a racing genius. (Burnt out far too early in his racing career)

    And like proc says, it would be interesting to see Randy Mamola race again.  I cant believe he was never champ. And also as proc mentioned, he has kind of kept his eye in with the 2 seat Ducati. Someone with his talent must surely be in with a chance of a few decent results.

    I would also have to agree with your and procs list. Sorry, cant think of anyone else offhand.

    Good question, but tough.

  3. Hi Wiggysan. I think your right with Mick.

    I would like to see Randy Mamola get a go. he gets practise with the 2 seater. I wonder how quick he would be on a full works machine now.

    How about giving Sete another go.  with him in it again i might get to like Jorge. or just love to hate them both.  got to have someone to throw the teddy at.

  4. none.

    they are all used to bikes that no longer exist.

    the current crop of riders are really hungry and would eat these guys alive....

    (and they know it too)

  5. Kevin Schwantz- GP

    KR jr- AMA

    (a clean) Anthony Gobert- Australian?????????

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