
When you got a job who will you give your first salary your mom or your wife?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Hey, its my salary, why should I give it to them. I can give them gifts or sweets.

  2. the wife

  3. of course you would share it with your wife..unless you and your wife are living with your mother and owe her rent money..

  4. MYSELF... they have their own jobs to get money lol

  5. Your wife, since both of you are trying to support a household together now.

  6. Wife!! When you get married, your wife needs to come before your mom. No matter what! Time to get out from mommy's wing and have your own life. =)

  7. Your bank account you have with your wife, use that first check to start getting ready for your nest egg, that you are planning to build for you and your wife.

  8. bills? and the only reason you would give money to your mom would be if you owe it to her or if she is in need for it. other than that there should never be your money or my money only our money in a marriage.

  9. To my mom, but one should tell the wife that this is my first salary and it should reasonably go to my mom

  10. if you are married, your wife.

    hint: don't get married if your mom is going to be the primary woman in your life.

    but, honestly, why would you give it all to either? what about you?

  11. money 1 bills 2 groceries 3 gasoline 4 spending or saving, your mother should not get your money unless it is a bill like rent money due to her or your wife will leave you for giving all your savings to a woman that can earn her own money. When you marry you and your wife become one so what is yours is hers.

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