
When you got your GCSE results and people asked...

by Guest66503  |  earlier

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what grades you got did you tell or did you try and avoid saying exactly what grades they were? Also, is it ok to not tell but just say "yeh i did well thanks"




  1. A simple I did well would seem appropriate unless the person asking were a fairly close friend or relative.  

  2. i think you shoul take responsibility and be honest with your answers.  

  3. well i told my friends what i got but i told everyone else i was happy with what i did

  4. Simple - if you don't mind sharing, then tell them. If you do mind, then just keep it vague and say you did well.

  5. I said/say I failed everything, it's how I live my get asked so often you learn to just live with saying "meh" to be perfectly honest.  

  6. People really shouldnt ask what you got, but if they do just say you got what you deserved and your happy with it!!

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