
When you graduated, did you find more people you liked in college?

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i go to a really small highschool and im finally a senior, im just really sick of my small bubble of friends and i want to know if its really easy to meet people in college, i imagine it would be alot easier to find people that are like you, hopefully im not wrong??




  1. when i graduated high school i skipped college and went on tour with the grateful was like getting an education.

  2. I spent 4 years in the Navy after High School and then attended a medium size college in my home state.

    I made ALOT of friends my first year without even trying (I am terribly shy-but tend to talk in class for some reason). My second year I made even more friends, but it was that second year that I made the friends that I still have today (14 years later). They are my son's god-parents, and it was their opinion of my girlfriend that I wanted more so than my families. Go to college, major in something that interests you, join a club/cause/s/es that excite you, and be active in on campus activities -do some/all of these things and you will have more friends of the quality that you can never imagine having while still in high school.

    Let me tell you a story about my friend "Joy" who was a senior when I met her. She had transferred her sophomore year from a western state college, and got a single in a dorm for 3 years in row (don;t ask how). I arrived my freshmen year and met her right away. 8 weeks later we were walking back to her dorm and we happen to run into literally everyone I had class/club with and because I tend to shoot my mouth off in class/meetings, they all greeted me with a smile and friendly hello.  The final straw was as we were walking up the steps to her dorm when this guy from her floor asked if I was planning on being on the volleyball team that the HER floor was putting together. I laughed and told him that I didn't live there (which he found hard to believe, because Joy and I were always hanging out in her room)(note: I lived off campus for my first 2 years (not part of MY plan). When Joy closed to door she whipped and around and said "HOW is it that I have been here for 3 years and nobody even know I live in the dorm, but you come along and in 8 weeks no everyone on campus!?!?!" She really was irate and a little hurt. I tried not to laugh. It was incredibly lucky that I happen to run into so many people I knew that day, and the truth of the matter is that even at a medium size school there are SOOO many people that you'll never meet. BUT if you get out there and participate, smile and don't be afraid to say something (even if only in class) you cannot help but to make lasting and meaningful relationships.

    Good Luck and have fun (14 years later I still miss that time VERY VERY MUCH) FYI -take the 5 year plan. It costs more but it let me take fewer credits each semester and that helped my grades and let me be a part of several things (Newspaper, 2 jobs, student Gov, and professional memberships). It was the combination of all those things that got me the big job after graduation. College is not about grades, it  is about experience.    

    PS -Grad school is great too. T

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