
When you had a miscarriage, did you?

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tell people you were pregnant

when you got pregnant again right away or you didn't say anything,until people notice or later in the pregnancy?

i went thru a miscarriage, and if and when i do get pregnant again,i don't wanna tell none until I'm waaaay later in my pregnancy

, but your sooo excited you cant help it-you know?

did you?

your justso scared, but have to stay postive




  1. We learned to limit the new to close friends (prayer-partners and small prayer groups) at first.  Once we get a little farther along, say 8 weeks, we'll start telling family and "regular" friends.

    We've learned the hard way that early miscarriages (say before 6 weeks) are very common.  As many as 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage (though most of those occur before the women even learned she was pregnant).

  2. It was hard because some superstitious part of my brain kept telling me that if I told people that I would be cursing myself to lose the baby.  I also was afraid that if I did have another miscarriage that people would come up and congratulate me when I was no longer pregnant and then I would have to deal with the awkwardness of explaining the miscarriage all over again.

    What I did finally do was tell my friends closest to me and explained why I didn't want it to be public knowledge.  This was I still had someone to share my joy with until I was in my second trimester and was comfortable with sharing the news with anyone that would listen to me.

  3. I also had a miscarriage, but very early on in the pregnancy.  I had not yet told anyone, so only my partner and I knew, which made it much easier to cope with the situation at the time.  You don't want to have everyone telling you how sorry they are, you just want to grieve your own way and try again.

    I am now pregnant again, waiting to see if my baby will hang in there this time and keeping my fingers crossed, but I won't be telling my friends and family for another 2 months to be sure!

    GL :-)

  4. I told my immediate family, because I knew I would want their support if I miscarried again (which I did).  But we asked everyone to keep it quiet, and we didn't tell anyone other than our parents and siblings.

  5. First of all I am sorry for your loss.  It will happen for you, just be patient and have faith.

    I had one before I knew I was PG and it was horrible having to tell people what happened to me.  They would say "I didn't even know you were trying"... very ackward situation.

    When I got pregnant, I told everyone the next day after the test.  I could not hold it in.  I feel that the more that people know what is going on in your life, they can be senstitive to it.

    You will always find those people that are haters and think what they think is best for you.  But only you know.

    I say tell people when you feel like it.  There is no right or wrong answer.

    If we were friends and I knew about your MC and knew you were PG again, I would be ESTATIC for you!  Good luck!

  6. i just told close family and ie mum and sister  but everyone is different some people like to tell the world because they are so happy its up to the individual i waited 9 months to fall pregnant again  

  7. with my first everyone told everyone else i was pregnant but i miscarried at 3 months and no told anyone I miscarried so it was painful hearing for 6 months, when is the baby coming and for years after, don't you have a little one at home.  So this time we didn't even tell our parent until after 4 months.  I was almost 5 months before we really told anyone else.  But yeah I wanted to tell everyone right away but I didn't want to have to deal with all the pain every time some one asked if I had another miscarriage.

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