
When you have No major aspects to Mercury in your chart?

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Could that mean communication problems?

Major aspects

Sun Quincunx Moon 1°00

Sun Square Mars 2°07

Sun Trine Saturn 4°15

Sun Square Uranus 1°58

Sun Square Neptune 0°06

Sun Square Ascendant 3°58

Moon Trine Venus 0°01

Moon Trine Mars 3°06

Moon Sextile Uranus 2°57

Moon Sextile Neptune 0°54

Moon Trine Pluto 4°21

Moon Trine Ascendant 4°57

Venus Trine Mars 3°07

Venus Square Saturn 5°16

Venus Sextile Uranus 2°58

Venus Sextile Neptune 0°55

Venus Conjunction Pluto 4°20

Venus Trine Ascendant 4°58

Mars Quincunx Saturn 2°09

Mars Opposition Uranus 0°09

Mars Opposition Neptune 2°13

Mars Conjunction Ascendant 1°51

Saturn Quincunx Ascendant 0°18

Uranus Conjunction Neptune 2°04

Uranus Opposition Ascendant 2°00

Neptune Sextile Pluto 5°15

Neptune Opposition Ascendant 4°04

My Mercury is in Scorpio, but does not aspect with any other planets in the Major Aspects chart...Why?




  1. i have no major aspcets in my mercury and i have social phobia. so i think you're right

  2. I think mercury in Scorpio gives a partial answer to your question . Mercury the Planet of communication is in one of the most introverted , quiet signs...another thing might give you the answer is the square of Sun and Ascendant , this may mean self-esteem issues . Sorry i'm not an expert but i did my best , hope i helped.

  3. Hi Dandelion,

    There are actually quite a few things in your chart which point to this. I hope you don't mind, but I did take a peek at your birthchart in the interests of being better able to answer this question. I was interested in particular in looking at the third house, but I did happen to find a couple of other things which might be factors here. I'm assuming that you really don't mind all that much, or you wouldn't have posted your birth data. I will delete the chart after I'm done answering here.

    First off, Cerberus is right on the mark with the Sun square ascendant being a factor. Your sun placement actually has a lot to do with this, firstly because Sun square ascendant will just naturally have difficulty expressing the core essence of the sun sign through the lens of the ascendant. In your case, you've got a social Libra sun which is not only hampered in it's expression by the square to sensitive and introverted Cancer ascendant, but it's also intercepted in the fourth house. A fourth house sun is going to behave in the manner of a Cancer sun to begin with (personal experience talking here, I've got a 4th house sun of my own to deal with), but the fact that it's intercepted represents a blockage of the energy involved with that sun sign. Libra doesn't touch a house cusp, so it has difficulty finding a frame of reference through which to express itself. You probably feel as though you both present yourself and are perceived as being more of a Cancerian/water sign than you are an air sign. This is likely more than a little frustrating to you, as you really are an air sign, but as you've stated, you have a great deal of difficulty in expressing this, and probably find the dominance of the emotional/water sign influences in your chart more than a little confusing, especially in light of the Sun/Moon inconjunct. Now, your third house is empty, but that in and of itself isn't going to make it more difficult to communicate for you, it's just not doing a whole lot to help you either. So neutral influence here. 3rd house cusp in Leo would indicate to me that you'd like to be more extroverted in your communication, but this is something that you're going to have to work on yourself, as there isn't a lot of help from your 3rd house to work with. I've got a hunch that looking at your Chiron and n node placements will help you learn how to do this, though.

    So, as far as your Mercury goes, you've got what's referred to as a perigrine Mercury. A perigrine (or "wandering") planet is a planet which is both unaspected by major aspects, and is not in a sign where it is in rulership or dignified (or in detriment, etc... it's in a sign which it has no relation to in other words) and the planet is also not in mutual reception with another planet. A perigrine planet is a loose cannon. It works completely by itself unimpeded and unmodified by any other influence in the chart. As such, perigrine planets can be highly unpredictable and erratic in their expression. You'll probably find yourself inexplicably beseiged by suspicions and paranoia which you can't find a rational cause for. You'll also find that you're drawn to investigating and exploring people and topics for reasons which you don't understand. Mercury in Scorpio likes to keep their secrets as well (I have one of these myself, too, so again, I can relate from first hand experience), so you probably find yourself clamming up for reasons that you don't understand particularly in social situations which are supposed to be "fun" but which you likely find to be a little stressful. This again must be frustrating, since you have such a social sun sign and likely have the intent and the desire to express yourself well socially, but it's like a mental block when you find yourself in those's like your peregrine mercury and your ascendant and moon signs take over, and the Libra in you is left in the background. I will say though, that if you weren't meant to develop this, you wouldn't have the Libra sun to begin with. So you can do this, it's just a matter of using your will to make it happen:)

    Deleting that chart now.  

  4. Despite your Mercury being unaspected, I see you and me share 2 same notable aspects

    Uranus and Neptune opposing the Ascendant. What is your rising sign? me , also have BIG communication problems, and I'm ashamed of it too, may I know your birth information so I can analyse deeper into your chart? Thanks alot.

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