
When you have a baby isnt your baby covered on the mothers insurance for a month?

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My sister had a baby and tha baby was transferred to a different hospital for more treatment she was there for 3 days now shes getting a bill for 15,000 shouldnt they be billing her insurance the baby is only 2 weeks old theres no way to get insurance overnight




  1. ...or for several years depending on the coverage. it depends on what coverage you have.

  2. State law and the terms of your contract rule.

    It may be nice to have, but a policy may exclude such coverage.

    Check with your agent.  If it is group insurance, your HR department may help.  Otherwise, you will have to go to the company or its agent.

    Your sister provides additional proof of an insurance axiom.  It is the same one employed by the armed forces:

    Proper Prior Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance.

  3. She should call her insurance. She still has to ADD the baby before it can be covered for any amount of time...

  4. No.  If her plan would allow her to add the baby, she's got 30 days from the day the baby is born, to add the baby to her plan (and pay the extra premium).  The baby has to be added effective the date of birth, and coverage would go back to that day.

    Some plans won't allow the baby to be added, in which case, there's no coverage for the baby at all.

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