
When you have a blister are you suppose to pop it our just let it heal by it self?

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i had a blister and i pop it and also i wantedwhat is the bes way to help a blister heal ?




  1. it doesn't really matter, it will eventually go away by itself but you can also pop it. If it is like on your foot and is painful or is being rubbed i would pop it and then put neosporin and a bandage on it.

  2. Don't ever intentionally pop a blister.  This is nature's bandage, filled with white blood cells to keep the area from getting infected, and contained in a bubble to protect it from further injury.  Popping it will allow those precious immune fighters to leak out and die, and leave the wound open to infection.  There are special adhesive bandages out there now designed to cover and protect blisters.  The blister itself isn't the injury; the raw, new skin under it is the wound.  If it opens, you can apply some OTC antibiotic ointment to it and keep it from further irritation for a few days.  If you must do something (like wear certain shoes) that will rub on it, then cover it well with band-aid(s), but let it go uncovered as much as possible.

  3. POP IT...... you are trying to get it to dry up, so leaving fluid in there makes no sense.

  4. Popping it will allow it to heal faster but it will be a little more painful and not popping it will make it take longer to heal but less painful but no way is better than the other it is just preference just make sure you are not getting dirt and grim in the blister area if you pop it just incase of infection and use some neosporin to help with pain, heal time, and keeping it clean

  5. Depends on where it is, I pop them.  xox

  6. As long as its clean, its prob fine if you pop it and clean it. When I get them I just pop them cos they bug me, then I wash my hands and let the skin grow over. I get hard skin from playing the guitar on my fingers that peals off and I think this is no different.  

  7. Let it go by itself................. Doesn't hurt that way...............!   The skin needs to dry....................!

  8. i find it best to pierce it with a pin to get all the fluid out but leave the skin still over the area. if u peel this off it will become painful. then put a plaster over the top to prevent rubbing.

  9. Your supposed to let it heal by itself, it will dry out with air so dont put anything over it :)


  10. pop it with a needle

  11. dont touch it, just leave it and it'll go away a lot faster

  12. You let it heal itself, as the fluid in the blister is what heals it ,and serves as an antiseptic.

  13. Pop it with a pin (it won't hurt) and push the fluid out (hold a tissue next to it).

    Make sure all the fluid has gone out of it and push the loose skin so it's flat.

    If more fluid occurs later do this again.

    Do NOT pick at the loose skin this will make it heal waaay slower.

    Eventually it will be healed after a couple of days.

  14. I find if you don't pop it, it might end up accidentally popping itself... and that could hurt more.

    If you do pop it, WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST. Don't peel off the skin bubble, put a Band-Aid over it immediately and leave it there for a day or two so the wound can heal. When it has healed and dried itself out, then you can take off the dead skin bubble.

  15. If you very carefully and cleanly pop it and let the (potential) fluid leak out, it will dry faster, but if you let it heal on its own, that might be a safer and possibly less painful way. I've done both, and honestly I can't say which I prefer. Popping them can be painful and dangerous if you do it wrong, but leaving them can be annoying and also painful (if it's a blister on your foot, ouch!). Sooo, it'd be up to you. =) Just make sure, if you decide to pop it, it's with a sterilized needle and a clean environment. If it gets infected...ugh.

  16. its best not to pop it, unless it hurts heaps. but usually it hurts more if u pop it. Paw Paw Cream is really good, or Savlon.

    Ive heard wet tea bags dry out your hands, which might as well help.


  17. Just let it heal by its self if you pop it it is open to infection =]

    Ashlie x

  18. You should have just left it alone.  It would have popped on it's own.

  19. let it heal

  20. pop it the next day take the skin off. Put on neosprin and a bandaid

  21. i have always been told to let the blister alone and let it pop itself. I don't know why, but that's what we do.

  22. Dont pop it out because ull have scars for the rest of your life .... i have a scar on my left hand that dosent atract atention too much but i dont rly like it...

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