
When you have a dream how do you know If your seeing the future or just having a dream?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Most of the time you won't really know until it actually happens, but I agree with the first answer about the part where if its really weird it probably isn't going to happen.


  2. If it seems almost like it could actullay happen it means your probaly seeing the future. If it is really werid it probaly means it is not going to happen. And sometimes thing such as all of your teeth falling out are omens about something like if you see a person you know die in a dream someone you know is probaly going to have a baby

  3. People often believe that they saw the future in a dream, because ur dreams are made up of whatever is on your mind or in your head. So the things in dreams are usually inspired by thing that are current and happening now.

    To answer the question though, there is no way of telling. But it's fun to think that you can predict the future :D

    Hope this helps! x

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